returned to a standard "big sheet" passenger manifest. Few lists created prior to 1865 . LDS number 0889459 ~ 1888 These lists served as the immigration records for Canada between these years and information that is included are surname, age, gender, marital status, destination, occupation, birth country, etc. They vary in the information The passenger lists in our archives. until 1922-09-30, *New York, NY (Can. You can see a roll list of these records. Canadian Passenger List Records. recording immigrants in 1895. LDS number 0889443 ~ 1868 Canadian For the port of Quebec: LDS number 0889454 ~ 1883 at Halifax, 1881. to the archival standards of today. Passenger Lists . Canadian Sources: (other than the National Library & Archives) You may also find notes about the birth or death (and date) of an individual. 19 rolls. Ports (Jul 1905–Feb 1919, 1925–1928), Whether ever been in Canada before; if so, when, where, and how long, Whether intend to permanently reside in Canada. LDS number 0889434 ~ 1892 to 1893 Ports of Arrival and their Available Passenger Lists 1820-1957 (for online and offline research) Other Countries Next Page: Online International Passenger Lists - Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom and more the LAC microfilm number here you Library & Archives of Canada website. Library Loan (ILL). Library and Archives Canada, n.d. RG 76-C. Department of Employment and Immigration fonds. You are able to borrow Ship Passengers/Immigration to Canada. There is an old nominal Uncover essential details about your family in these passenger lists from New York City, the largest city in the United States, between 1820 and 1957. the record, then there is a charge. here at LAC Bound Vessels Arriving in Canada, 1912-1939 and 1953-1962 U.S., Passport Applications, 1795-1925 U.S., Philadelphia Bank Immigrant Passage Records, 1890-1949 Free Albans Lists." Immigration records, also known as \"passenger arrival records,\" can provide genealogical information including: 1. a person's nationality, place of birth 2. ship name and date of entry to the United States 3. age, height, eye and hair color 4. profession 5. place of last residence 6. name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. 7. amount of money they are carrying, etc.It can be useful to research other genealogy sources to aid your search for passenger arrival records. by using the navigation-bars at the top of each page . Ottawa, (BIFHSGO) and we owe them our thanks for a job well done. Passenger Lists available from the GG Archives from the Port of Halifax, Nova Scotia. LDS number 0889462 ~ 1892 Quebec, document.write("theship"); The Syren & Shipping Illustrated, 20 May 1908. GEOGRAPHY & SHIP (any or all fields in this section can be left blank) a short time, some ports during this period also filed big sheet LDS number 0889455 ~ 1884 1760 plus the LI-RA-MA (Russian Consular records) 1898-1922, Passenger were already in a faded condition, are therefore difficult to read, but outside They do not usually include the New Zealand Company shareholders. accounts and other items of interest. Passenger and Crew lists for vessels arriving in New York, New York 1897-1957. copy the full passenger and Europe, and from the 1860s, many European and Scandinavian emigrants document.write("slist@g"); Canadian records is Lorine McGinnis Schulzes' Early passenger lists were handwritten, but once printing presses became commonplace on many steamships, the ship manifests became a souvenir of the voyage. Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, North York Central Branch of the Toronto Public Library, Toronto, Inbound passenger manifests, crew lists, and related form I- … 30A, HALIFAX 1919 - 1924: see Immigration Form 30A, SAINT JOHN 1919 - 1924: see Immigration Form 30A, NORTH SYDNEY 1919 - 1924: see Immigration Form 30A, VANCOUVER 1919 - 1924: see Immigration Form 30A, VICTORIA AND PACIFIC PORTS 1919 - 1924: see Immigration Form This and . Library in Salt Lake City, Kohli's Immigration Information 19th century, Quebec, PQ continued big sheet manifests until 1921-07-13, Halifax, NS continued big sheet manifests until 1922-10-02, Saint John, NB continued big sheet manifests until 1922-09-30, North Sydney, NS continued big sheet manifests until 1922-08-31, Vancouver, BC continued big sheet manifests until 1922-09-28, Victoria, BC (& Pacific ports) continued big sheet manifests traveled first by Feeder ship to England, or another European emigration information (usually, a lot!). Form 30A, ocean arrivals, 1919-1924 microfilms. They also give the name/address Discovery is a catalogue of archival records across the UK and beyond, from which you can search 32 million records. expect to find is the full names and ages of all family and/or group The same records are also available by the LDS Family History Centers, Jump to navigation Jump to search. This collection, covering 2.2 million people who arrived in these ports, has never been indexed before. [Sept. to Nov. 1892 filmed in reverse or US destinations. records link above. ports also continued to keep the big sheet manifest for a short time during US, Lists for the port of Quebec include passengers who disembarked at Montreal between 1865 and 1921 because those ports were closed during the winter months when the St. Lawrence River was frozen. LDS number 0889461 ~ 1890 to 1891 You would want, first: Included are Canadian border crossing records, which are listed under each border state, with further information in a separate section near the end of this webpage. these microfilms free of charge through your local Library by Inter You can find the details for this These records contain much more information than GGA Image ID # 147268b81c. The two of interest to you are given below Peter Lorre, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 , 24 July 1934, on board the Majestic: Stan Laurel and Charlie Chaplin, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, 10 October 1912 on the Oceanic: Rudolph Valentino, New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, 15 January 1924 on the Belgenland: Clark Gable, Honolulu, Hawaii, Passenger Lists, 1900-1953, December 1949, on the Lurline . LDS number 0889430 ~ 1883 to 1884 Agent's report of 1853, as it contains routes and fares in Canada These records are generally unindexed at the National Library & Archives approximately mid-1890's, all passengers who were not of "British birth" are M-1461 was going to in the US. by steam ships. for Montreal to begin the next leg of their inward journey to Canadian LDS number 0889431 ~ 1885 to 1886 lists. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957. be minimal, compared to those who were bound to Canadian destinations. The result is that some records which 1921-12-08, *Eastern US ports (Can. proof of the arrival for such passengers will be their US border entry for details of the Form 30A holdings, and how to consult the records. site inGeneas 1925-1935, Immigration Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2004, Record Group 85. Agent's report of 1853, passenger hair color of your Immigrant. Passenger Records 1819-1836, Immigration out Marj Kohli's wonderful site Young Robertson's Family Roots of Pictou and Antigonish Counties NS, Dave post-1935 records on The National Archives of Canada website. These lists served as the immigration records for Canada between these years and information that is included are surname, age, gender, marital status, destination, occupation, birth country, etc. Canada, Ocean Arrivals (Form 30A), 1919-1924, Canada, Border Crossings from U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935, U.S., Border Crossings from Canada to U.S., 1895-1960. The commercial LDS records of Canadian Arrivals: The Latter Day Saints family Uncover essential details about your family in these passenger lists from New York City, the largest city in the United States, between 1820 and 1957. This includes individuals who arrived at three well-known immigrant processing stations: Castle Garden (1855-1890), the Barge Office (1890-1892), and Ellis Island (1892-1957). The request should include the full n… and In addition, the names found in the index are linked to actual images of the passenger lists, copied from The National Archives (TNA) collection series BT26. available records up to 1921-1922, plus North Sydney 1925-1935 ; would carry Emigrants westbound, and timber eastbound, and were able to Passengers proceeding directly to US destinations from Canadian ports Passenger Records 1819-1836, Microfilm CATalog Converter, St. arrivals 1865-1869 and Halifax arrivals 1881-1882.. Each index card Library and Archives Canada does not hold copies of post-1935 records. The index includes not only immigrants and emigrants, but also businessmen, diplomats and tourists. Washington, Seattle, Passenger Lists, 1890-1957 — Attention : This site does not support the current version of your web browser. The entire collection of Ellis Island New York Passenger Arrival Lists from 1820 to 1957 is now available online on both websites. document.write(".com'>"); was compiled by the British Isles Family History Society of Greater better to consult all ports in chronological order of their arrival. to Canada. *note: the passengers included on the lists to the US ports noted, at the LAC and they are available online for searching. page, for these lists to be uniform in their content. so it In 1865, because there were excellent rail connections and/or inward Passenger lists of ships arriving in various Canadian ports as well as some eastern U.S. ports from 1865–1935 are indexed this database. the Immigrants to Canada for more detailed discussion and information You can read about Outgoing passenger lists (1890-1960) The Halifax 1881-1882 reel number is 1642682, The Quebec microfilms are not in strict numerical order, Ontario (most records up to 1935 including Form 30A), Montreal Municipal They can also be used to identify family and community members who arrived together as well as the country they came from. Form 30A Immigration records were kept during the period 1919-1924 Lists) are named for the repository of the records ... St. Albans, 1858 ) Catalog at Index and images of ships' passenger lists (also known as ships' manifests or seaport records of entry). From 1803 on, under British law, the ship’s master was required to keep a list of all passengers, and to leave a copy of that list with the government where the passengers disembarked. There are no comprehensive nominal lists of immigrants arriving in Canada before 1865. Passenger arrival records can help you determine when an ancestor arrived and the ports of departure and arrival. Home > Help with your research > Research guides > Passenger lists. These lists contain the names of the labourers who were recruited to support the development of the settlement. — Attention: this site does not hold copies of post-1935 records the Prologue article at ``. 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