Thanks for the simple recipe. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together in a mason jar or glass. Coconut Cream Quinoa Breakfast Bowl With Fig, Pomegranate & Pecans (Recipe), Two of 2020’s Most Anticipated Astrological Events Are Almost Here, Diastasis Recti Recovery: 10 Yoga Poses + Tips to Help New Moms Heal, How to Make a DIY Japa Mala Necklace + Charge It With Intention (Step-By-Step Photo Tutorial), 5 Online Yoga Classes That Are Better Than Going to the Studio, Buckle Up! No Problem! Coconut is the missing ingredient that gives chia pudding a super rich, creamy consistency that makes it taste like actual pudding . I give you, vegan coconut chia pudding. Check it out: Ingredient #1: Full-fat coconut milk. Easy Keto Chia Pudding Recipe ingredients. If it’s too runny, whisk in more chia seeds and let it sit again … Ingredient #2: Pure Maple … Add unlimited recipes. Whisk and keep this in the fridge overnight (or a minimum of 3hrs) When ready to serve, Pour the chia seed pudding in serving glasses. Give it a good stir and make sure it is all well combined. Combine the cream, water, chia seeds, vanilla, almond extract, stevia, salt, and 1/2 cup coconut in a medium bowl. Allow pudding to thicken for 10 minutes and stir again; … It can be … by Jessica April 3, 2014 If you were to pie me in the face, it would technically be breakfast. Serve with fruit and a sprinkle of cinnamon. In a medium sized bowl, add coconut milk and Swerve and whisk until combined. apps. Banana Coconut Chia Pudding This banana coconut chia pudding is vegan, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly, and is a delicious breakfast or dessert recipe or a sweet … and Shake well to combine, then refrigerate at least 8 hours (preferably overnight). Prepare your chia pudding as … The chia seeds in this pudding make it reminiscent, to me, of tapioca. I never knew that chia pudding could be so simple and tasty. All rights reserved. Chia Pudding Ingredients: 1 cup coconut milk (I use organic coconut milk powder with water to avoid the chemicals in store-bought milks) ¼ cup chia seeds (whole) 1 tbsp Lakanto maple syrup (this makes it sugar-free, as it is made of monkfruit which your body does not recognize as sugar. Your browser does not support the video element. Omega-3’s are great for brain health. I recommend refrigerating them overnight so you can eat for breakfast the next day. They’re abundant in healthy-fats that keep us feeling satiated for hours, making coconut chia pudding the perfect breakfast that – bonus – you can make the night before. Just 5 Ingredients for Coconut Chia Pudding. Once the pudding … Coconut Cream Pie Chia Pudding (with Coco Whip coconut whipped cream) As if a delicious dessert inspired breakfast, or snack, or you can enjoy it for dessert isn’t enough for you I can tell you all the healthy reasons why it’s a good, I mean great, idea to whip this Coconut Cream Pie Chia Pudding up! I always did love tapioca, so this works for me. Let it sit covered in your fridge for at least 30 minutes. Once chia pudding has thickened, separate toppings into two different jars for two servings, starting with POM POMS Fresh Arils on the bottom, then chia pudding, then cacao nibs and coconut … The Aztec people kept chia seeds in their pockets when they were building their empire because it fueled them with energy. Weekly emails highlighting the most popular articles on yoga, health, fitness, love and happieness. 'https:' : 'http:') +\r\n '\/\/\/tag\/js\/gpt.js';\r\n var node = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];\r\n node.parentNode.insertBefore(gads, node);\r\n })();\r\n<\/script>\r\n\r\n