These are GREAT tips for growing potatoes…one of my favorite crops, by the way. Potatoes are a crucial crop for many home growers. Sign up for the free Grow a Good Life Newsletter and we'll send you an email with all the new articles posted on the website: Evelyn, It depends how you want to grow your potatoes. If … Finally, I have a larger area of maincrop potatoes that are grown more traditionally in the ground. After ten days or so, you will then unearth the tubers, and leave them for a few hours before storing them. Potatoes don't like to get water-logged so have good drainage below the tires. Dig holes or a trench 10-15cm deep and plant seeds with ‘eyes’ or shoots facing up. On a small scale, potatoes can even be grown in grow bags. When I lived in the sandhills of NC, I couldn’t get my potatoes to grow at all. My own favourite combination (which I feel improves yield where I live) is a bed of comfrey leaves and seaweed. Plant potatoes 6 inches (15 cm) apart and cover them with 6 inches (15 cm) of soil. But mostly, I add a thick organic mulch around the base of the plants. Your email address will not be published. Add more soil to the container as the plants grow, until the soil is 1” below the top rim of the container. Potato plant watering How to grow potatoes . Her new ebook How to Grow Great Potatoes is another popular publication and has been snapped up by her loyal list of gardening enthusiasts. But one thing I do to increase the length of the growing season is grow under cover. Watering enough but not too much, and good air flow are particularly important. 3 Secrets To Better Baked Potatoes 1. My first year of growing sweet potatoes was also my worst sweet potato harvest year ever. So depending on how rainy your springs are, it may be better to wait until the soil dries out a bit. You would conventionally continue to earth up at regular intervals. We’re going underground to uncover potato growing habits. Keelie, From my research I understand that growing potatoes in Texas is a bit tricky. As a general rule, start chitting potatoes around 6-8 weeks before you plan to plant them in their growing positions. Be sure to buy them from a reliable source. In my garden, I plant potatoes in double rows, with onions down the center of the 3-foot (91 cm) wide bed. She graduated from allotment gardening to organically managing 1/3 of an acre of land, including a mature fruit orchard,which she has turned into a productive forest garden. Article from Follow potatoes with beans, leafy greens, a cover crop, or another non-Solanaceae family crop. Temperatures are the main factor that will determine how well they will grow. Related Reading: 7 Tips for Starting a Windowsill Garden. June 5, 2020. Thanks for all of your amazing gardening posts. While home gardens are generally … It’s a brilliant space saving way to get a large harvest of delicious spuds. If, like me you get poor results they are something to think about. So, if you are ready to discover some ground-breaking potato truths, let’s dig in! The potatoes I grow are placed into shallow trenches around 5 inches or so deep, dug into beds that have already been enriched with organic matter. Potatoes grow best in loamy, airy, well-drained soil. That is why people take a larger potato and cut it into pieces (each piece with an eye on it) let it sit in a dry place for 24-48 hours before planting and then put it into the ground. Store cured tubers in a dark area in covered boxes or bins with some holes for ventilation. Then you can gently fill the trench with another few inches of soil, leaving the top of the plant exposed. First, fill a 10-gallon (40-liter) or bigger pot that has drainage holes one-third of the way with potting soil. Secrets to Growing Potatoes 1) How to sprout or “Chit” Potatoes. Growing Potatoes and Maintenance. If you've been thinking about growing your own potatoes… You can grow potatoes from other potatoes in a pot right at home. Maybe I should do this next. The ground must be frost free and not waterlogged, and the temperatures must be beginning to warm. I do ‘earth up’ a little. Typically, seed potatoes are used to grow potatoes and many gardeners grow potatoes at home. How to Grow Potatoes. Potatoes grown in soils with a higher pH seem prone to … So, if you are ready to discover some ground-breaking potato truths, let’s dig in! This involves letting the potatoes grow shoots, which will give you a bigger potato crop. And, if your soil has problems with alkalinity, add sulphur to your soil. This post may contain affiliate links. Situate your bags in full sun and keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. New tubers must be kept covered by soil to prevent greening or sunscald. When she is not gardening, Elizabeth spends a lot of time working remotely on permaculture garden projects around the world. Pick the Right Type of Potato: When making potato salad chose a waxy variety – such as red, new or fingerling potatoes. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Potato Growing Season. Potatoes like slightly acidic soil (5.8-6.5 pH). If you want to grow sweet potatoes in containers, then we recommend that you use a 1.5-gallon pot for two slips. It seems that each year more and more of my garden gets planted to potatoes! A good quality loam, rich in organic matter, and slightly acidic, is the ideal soil type for growing potatoes. Enrich the soil with Yates Dynamic Lifter Soil Improver & Plant Fertiliser. Another secrete to growing potatoes Let these cute little leaves grow for a couple of weeks and then cover them again with garden soil to about 4-6 inches deep. When planning your vegetable garden it is great to look at what your family eats. Can you pull it out and check? Get good, healthy seed stock, not grocery-store potatoes, for the healthiest plants. The soil for growing potatoes must be light and free from debris, stones, and weeds. The yield from the garden is increasing year on year – rapidly approaching an annual weight in produce of almost 1 ton. Use a sharp hoe to nip out weeds, and then mound loose soil around the plants so the crown of the plant becomes snugged in with an additional two inches of soil. 1. One of my top tops is to add fertility not only when preparing your growing areas, but also when planting out your seed potatoes. I live around 4-5 miles from the coast (and can see the estuary from my property). Those, I am harvesting right now. She has filled the rest of the garden with a polytunnel, a vegetable patch, a herb garden, a wildlife pond, woodland areas and more. There is a lot of debate about this, and it is not absolutely essential. #1 Don’t add nitrogen or too much compost to the soil This is the number one mistake people make when growing sweet potatoes. Cure unwashed potatoes before storing so the skins heal over and thicken up. Egg cartons make a great place to chit your potatoes. Use liquid feeds with vinegar, citrus and other acidic substances around potato plants. Sweet potatoes are easy to grow, but they require heat and a long growing season -- more than the amount of time listed on planting instructions. Just make sure there is enough dirt (seed potatoes usually need around 6-8 inches of dirt). Let your seed potatoes sit indoors, in medium light, until they develop stocky sprouts from the eyes. The best part about growing potatoes is that potato plants yields harvest in abundance. I grow some (the first early potatoes of the year) in my polytunnel. In temperate climate zones, this means sowing seed potatoes in spring. can do their work. Before planting, put seed potatoes into a well-lit (out of sunlight) spot for a few weeks so they develop small shoots, in a process is called ‘chitting’. Small crops of potatoes can also be grown in large, deep containers, and this is a good way of getting an early batch of new potatoes. 8. Harvested roots (8 pounds per plant) are cured near the furnace and stored in the basement. There are many different types and varieties of potatoes, enough to keep even the most adventurous home gardener busy. If you live in a colder climate, you can plant the potatoes 2 weeks after the last frost. You can growing potatoes indoors year-round if you have a sunny window or grow lights. Potatoes require plenty of water, especially as the tubers begin to form. Planting Dates For Potatoes By Zone. Oval baking potatoes and red potatoes have dominated the market, but there are actually over 1,000 different varieties of potatoes available for growing. Then we just laid them out in a single layer (we used plastic tote lids because that’s what I could find). Add fertilizer or composted manure for best results. Slice Instead Of Poke. If in doubt, simply feel gently in the soil/mulch around your plants. Prepare your soil with organic matter like compost and sheep pellets. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. And often, sowing these can work perfectly well. Always buy new seed potatoes. The downsides are: the potatoes take longer to sprout and your harvest might be smaller. i haven’t tried since I moved to Texas. Large seed potatoes can be cut into smaller pieces to make them go further. It can help to keep the garden ecosystem in balance and stop problems from getting out of control. Potato Types. Add a layer of vegetable mix to plant into. When the potato plants are finished growing, the foliage will die. Plant Potatoes in Early Spring: Potatoes prefer cooler weather. Generally speaking, potatoes are relatively easy to grow. Secrets to growing healthy basil. We eat the larger ones and save smaller ones to become our seed potatoes the following season. Seaweed was commonly used to fertilize these beds. Slice Instead Of Poke. Check out the PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes and plant some potatoes this year! The Irish Potato, spud, tater, call it what you like is a perennial plant that is cultivated as an annual in most areas. In smaller spaces/ square foot gardening, aim for 1-2 potatoes per square foot. And you should be sure to leave at least 24-30 inches between rows. How to Grow Great Potatoes is a 105 page “bible” on everything you will ever need to know about growing potatoes. Preparing and Chitting Potatoes To plant a crop of potatoes you’ll need to get hold of some seed or sprouting potatoes, also sold as simply ‘tubers’. Keep the Tubers Covered: Prevent your potatoes from forming green skin by covering with soil or mulching heavily so that no light reaches the tubers. Space seed potatoes 8 to 12 inches within the row and 30 to 36 inches between the rows. It is also vitally important to rotate your potato crop. Ideal storage conditions for potatoes are at 32-40˚F and 80-90% relative humidity. Heavy clay soils and soggy soils are the least hospitable to potatoes. Growing Large potatoes is easy if you follow some basic principles. But if you want a better harvest, choosing high-quality seed potatoes can be a better idea. 1. Most of the time, potatoes are grown in the ground. In the trenches, plant a seed potato every 12 inches or so. Before planting, you need to ‘chit’ your potatoes. ALL the potatoes you will get off of one plant will grow between the seed potato and the surface of the soil . We’ll also unearth some great tricks you can use to grow amazing potatoes in the ground and in containers. Another very important question is where you will grow your potatoes. Before baking potatoes, most people poke a few holes in the skin to vent enough steam to prevent them from bursting. They can handle partial shade, but it's the lush top growth that feeds the tubers underground. But since this is a moving date, there is plenty of scope for variation. Russet Potatoes, Characterized by netted brown skin and white flesh. But they can also be grown in raised beds or large containers. Move your crop year on year between different growing areas, so problems harbored in the soil do not take hold. Growing the perfect potatoes may be a challenge. I found that a bed of rocks under the tires woorks best. But not all varietals will bloom. In addition to companion planting, one of the top ways to ensure pests don’t destroy your crop is to remain vigilant. Required fields are marked *, « Grow a Good Life’s Top 10 Posts of 2016. Here’s my guide to chitting your potatoes. Step 2: Tater-tire. Place seed potatoes in trays or egg cartons with the end that has the most eyes uppermost. Once you understand the basics, potatoes are relatively easy to grow. Finally, in order to get the best potato harvest possible, it is important to time things right. How to Grow Great Potatoes is a 105 page “bible” on everything you will ever need to know about growing potatoes. In my ‘no dig’ garden, these materials are not dug or tilled into the soil, but left on top of the soil, so the soil web can take over and earthworms, fungi, bacteria etc. You will find everything you need to organize and plan your vegetable garden in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Planning Your Vegetable Garden. Also gratifying is the feeling of pride over the fact that you grew them yourself. The irrigation of the potato plant is what usually generates the most confusion regarding the harvest, in general before thinking about irrigation we must ensure that the conditions of draining the soil are optimal, since puddles could cause the tubers rot and we don't want that in our harvest. I just have to find the right time to plant them in this hot weather climate. How to grow potatoes in a garden Choose a sunny spot with well drained soil. You can alternate “hilling” with potting soil and garden soil to keep cost down, just don’t use only garden soil (see below), and be sure to water your containers every morning that it isn’t raining. Be sure not to over-crowd growing areas or containers, or your overall yield will be reduced. But unfortunately, they can succumb to a range of pests and diseases. Below 50 degrees F, and above 85 degrees F, the growth of the tubers will be sharply inhibited. Actually, potato "hills" are flattened mounds about 6 inches (15 cm) high. But you can increase the size of your harvest by being imaginative about how you use every inch of space. This is a no dig adaptation of the idea of the ‘lazy bed’ – a very traditional way of growing common in Scotland and Ireland until the 19th Century. Hint: drip irrigation installation can be fed from a rainwater harvesting system for a sustainable and eco-friendly watering solution. Additional Potato Growing Tips. Very early potatoes maturing in October will leave ground available for summer crops to plant about Labour Weekend. Bake Them Longer . The only soil types that could be problematic for potatoes are those which are saline, or alkaline in nature. Rotate Your Potato Crop for Healthy Soil: Potatoes should be rotated in the garden on a 3-year system. Full sun conditions with six to eight hours of light and ambient temperatures of around 60 F. (16 C.) will provide the best conditions for growing potatoes in containers. Tips for Growing Potatoes - Southern Krazed. To keep the top growth growing, plant potatoes should in full sun. I’m guessing I should have them in in February at the latest. More potato growing tips: If you don’t want to bother with hilling, plant your potatoes 8-9 inches deep. I sometimes grow a few second earlies in containers. Her new ebook How to Grow Great Potatoes is another popular publication and has been snapped up by her loyal list of gardening enthusiasts. But it can help improve potatoes by getting them off to a good start, and may give you a harvest just that little bit earlier. Russet Potatoes, Characterized by netted brown skin and white flesh. In ideal conditions, per potato plant yields approximately 5-10 potatoes. Cover each potato with about three inches of soil. Think about all the tips and tricks above, and you should have a bumper potato harvest wherever you live this year. Certified seed potatoes will be disease free, and will have been specifically selected. It is a large, yellow-skinned potato that's perfect for baking or frying. 1. But slicing instead of poking allows more steam to escape, resulting in fluffier potatoes that will be easier to cut open. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. by theseasonalhomestead October 17, 2019. written by theseasonalhomestead October 17, 2019. 6 Great Tips for Growing Potatoes. Chit Your Potatoes: Give your potato seeds a head start by pre-sprouting or chitting them before planting into the ground. (More on mulching below.). Generally speaking, following the tips above should reduce the chances of these problems taking hold. I learn so much from you! By Kelly Smith Trimble, One popular trick is adding egg shells, or whole eggs, before planting, which can boost calcium content in the soil. But slicing instead of poking allows more steam to escape, resulting in fluffier potatoes that will be easier to cut open. After a few weeks, the potato plants will begin to sprout. Jiang Hao Horticulturist . They are fun to grow too since there are so many planting methods to experiment with. I am not saying it is a solution to anyones problems, but I dig individual holes when I plant seed potatoes rather than split the soil and plant. Where to Grow Potatoes in a Container. Im not sure if anyone else did that science experiment in kindergarten where you hang a sweet potato over water and let it sit for some time. I then place a shovelful of compost in each hole, correctly orient each seed potato and gently press into the compost. Below 50 degrees F, and above 85 degrees F, the growth of the tubers will be sharply inhibited. It is clear that many of you want to know more about growing, storing, and cooking with potatoes. Continue watering them whenever the top 2 inches (5 cm) of … You will find everything you need to start growing potatoes in my PDF eBook, Grow a Good Life Guide to Growing Potatoes. … I generally sow first early seed potatoes in March. Place your seed potatoes in the bottom of the container, then cover with 4” more soil and water in. Zone 7b – Plant from January through March. Green potatoes may contain elevated levels of solanine, a mild toxin that can make you sick. If you are growing potatoes for storage, allow the tubers to remain in the ground to mature. Potatoes are a nutritious and delicious starchy tuber, and they're a source of potassium, fiber, protein, vitamins C and B6, and iron. The organic matter improves the clay soil structure, making it looser and providing better aeration and drainage. If you didn’t know, well now you know! Potato vines are actually related to sweet potatoes themselves. If you didn’t know, well now you know! It means that the smaller the potato that is planted, the bigger potatoes it will grow. If your area gets hotter than 95, plant your potatoes so they have long enough to mature before the heat hits. For the first ‘earthing up’ I use a mulch of well-rotted home-made compost. This is about the deep, dark secrets of peak potato production. Depending on the weather and conditions on a given year, I usually sow potatoes outdoors some time in April. New to gardening. In 2014, she and her husband moved to their forever home in the country. Potatoes don’t require too much water as they’re growing. Potato blight (late blight, caused by a fungal-like organism), Scab (caused by bacteria and an organism closely related to slime mould), Potato rot (caused by a number of bacteria and fungi). Learn the tips and tricks that will help you successfully grow potatoes. Yes, there are more options than just digging trenches. Growing potatoes in tires is enexpensive, fun for the family,and best of all helps mother do your part to help. February and March seems to be suggested planting time so the plants can produce before the summer heat hits. Cure unwashed potatoes before storing so the skins heal over and thicken up. FOR THE PRESS DEMOCRAT. Traditional wisdom dictates that potatoes should be ‘earthed up’ when plants are around 9 inches high. Many of the main potato growing problems arise because they have been planted too early, or too late. Sold as certified stock each year when they first go on sale. Chitting seed potatoes is often one of the very first jobs in the gardening year. When the plants flower, this is usually a sign that the first earlies are ready for harvest. Don’t be tempted to grow potatoes from old potatoes from the veg rack, as they won’t produce reliable crops. This involves mounding soil around the plants to a height of around 5 inches. Grow your potatoes in soil with a pH between 5.0 and 6.0. This will force the roots to grow even deeper and reach for the sun again. 2. I have several articles about growing potatoes on this website that are very popular. Sweet potatoes do not need rich, fertile soil! If you want to grow great potatoes, avoid adding animal manure to your crops. 4. Potato planting time is from September-December in New Zealand. Plant certified seed potatoes. Plant the tomato plant with ½ to 2/3 of it under the ground, as noted in the article, with the potato just above the root ball. Summary. Potatoes do take up quite a lot more space than many other crops. The reward is a delicious, organic, nutrient-dense food source that you can feed your family. Step 1: Bedrock. First earlies will be ready to harvest from late-May- July. Plant Certified Seed Potatoes: When you plant seed potatoes, you are planting a potato produced by the plant the previous year. Potatoes can be grown in a wide range of locations, but it is important to remember that they are a cool weather crop. Growing potatoes in raised beds, whether they’re simply mounded or have actual frames, is one of the easiest and most productive methods. And overcrowding can also lead to more problems with disease. Since moving to the property she has also rescued many chickens from factory farms, keeping them for their eggs, and moved much closer to self-sufficiency. Make sure each piece has at least … These potatoes have a thin skin and hold up their texture when boiled to fork tender. They can be planted as soon as the ground can be worked in the early spring, once the soil temperature reaches 45˚F. She has long had an interest in ecology, gardening and sustainability and is fascinated by how thought can generate action, and ideas can generate positive change. She has created booklets and aided in the design of Food Kits to help gardeners to cool and warm climates to grow their own food, for example. Thank goodness for learning from mistakes. These pots allow air to enter through the sidewalls of the container, increasing growth while providing excellent soil drainage. You may choose to grow potatoes on the deck in order to have quick access to the smallest new potatoes. Using a tower minimizes the footprint of your garden or greenhouse, getting more production per square foot. I’ve been consistently growing massive sweet potatoes every year since. How To Grow Potatoes. Unfortunately, these problems (especially blight) are very difficult to stop once they talk hold. Potatoes can be grown in a wide range of locations, but it is important to remember that they are a cool weather crop. After the compost, I mulch with grass clippings, then comfrey leaves, and sometimes also use seaweed foraged from the coast. Potatoes are a spring garden favorite. 3. Cover each potato with about three inches of soil. Copyright © 2020 Rural Sprout on the Seasoned Pro Theme, 11 Mistakes We Made Establishing a 5,000 Square Foot Garden, How To Compost Chicken Manure & Use It In The Garden, 10 Best Mushroom Growing Kits For A Never-Ending Supply. One of the main things that can make or break your potato growing endeavors is timing. But if you leave it too late to manage it, it is not something to worry too much about. Potatoes do well in cooler weather and can be one of the first vegetables you plant in your garden come spring. The tubers need to be protected from the sun if they grow near the surface or they will turn green. Potato Grow Bags Available on Amazon. I then water them in with a comfrey liquid feed. And if you live near a coast, this is definitely an ingredient to consider for your new growing areas – it helps potatoes to thrive. With maincrop potatoes for storage, you will usually wait until the foliage turns yellow and then cut back the foliage. Wet, waterlogged soil will cause the seed potatoes to rot. Cover with soil and water. Of course, to significantly improve your potato harvest, you should also attract beneficial wildlife (that eats slugs, mice and voles etc..) to your garden. Check time to harvest for the variety you are growing. Select a certified seed potato variety and sprout potatoes until they are approximately 20-40mm long. Whether you are new to growing your own food or have been growing a vegetable garden for years, you will benefit from some planning each year. When potato blossoms appear, it is a sign that the first new potatoes are ready for harvest, simply feel around in the soil with your fingers for the small tubers. 7 Tips for Growing Perfect Potatoes. But remaining vigilant and removing any diseased material straight away can help reduce the extent of their spread. Secrets to growing potatoes. If you have then you know that eventually the potato starts to grow sprouts and roots. Keep your eyes peeled for pests, such as the Colorado potato beetle, and remove offenders by hand when you spot them. She has made many strides in attracting local wildlife and increasing biodiversity on the site. If you leave it until late in the season they will already have put their energy into sprouting vigorously and be drained by overheating in the store. I do chit my potatoes, and find it beneficial. Prevention is always better than cure. You can grow unique varieties not found in supermarkets. As the potatoes grow, I pull the onions to eat as scallions. Zone 7a – Plant from January through March and again in August for a fall crop. If you’ve encountered problems with potatoes – use these 15 tips and tricks and you should be able to significantly improve your potato harvest: The first thing to think about is which potatoes you choose. From knowing when to plant potatoes to understanding how to care for them, with a little know-how, you can anticipate a bumper crop of beloved tubers. Yes, you can check for baby potatoes a few weeks after the plants bloom. Since this thread is about sharing "potato growing secrets", I will share one of mine. 1. Sweet potatoes require a long growing season and the family protects the vines from light frosts by covering them with blankets. Potatoes are easy to grow, store well through the winter, and provide a nutritious addition to meals. Potatoes will do best in soils with a pH of between 5.2 and 6.4. They are often a staple, especially for those living in temperate climate zones. Visit her website here and follow along on her Facebook page here. However, to optimize your chances of success, follow these potato growing tips from Lady Lee: first, choose a growing method - you can grow potatoes in rows directly in the ground, pots, bins, bags, and towers. How To Grow Potatoes. The texture of and shape of the potatoes, even more so than the flavor, is very different from variety to variety, especially with Perfect. You don’t need to till every year, which is better for maintaining soil structure and health, and you can plant earlier since you don’t need to wait to till before planting. If your soil is particularly degraded or compacted, it may be beneficial to plant then chop and drop a green manure prior to planting your potatoes to improve soil fertility and structure. Whether you are striving for a few gourmet fingerling potatoes or a large crop for winter food storage, this guide will show how you can grow your own, organic, homegrown potatoes. You may also be interested in growing potatoes in 5 gallon buckets. Store cured tubers in a dark area in covered boxes or bins with some holes for ventilation. If the soil is too rich in nitrogen the result will be lots of green leaves and very small potatoes. In an organic garden, increasing plant and wildlife diversity is one of the most important things. Fill the bottom 15cm (6in) of the container with potting compost and plant the seed potato just below this. learn how to correctly store and preserve your potatoes. Apr 28, 2014 - Growing potatoes needn't be hard and once harvested, you will have fresh home grown potatoes throughout the winter months! Potato Types. 5 Secrets To Making The Perfect Potato Salad . They were so small and I harvested very few. Plus, shop our selection of organic a You should also avoid growing potatoes near tomatoes, or other plants susceptible to the same diseases. Another interesting option to consider is growing potatoes in a wicking bed, so there is a constant supply of water wicking up from a reservoir of water at the base of the structure. Whatever soil type you have, adding plenty of brown and green organic matter is the best way to prepare a bed ready for planting potatoes. Never miss a post. 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Classic method in our list of 10 ways to grow great potatoes is a writer, permaculture designer and living! Potatoes the following season to their forever home in the ground to mature tricks you can increase the size your. There are so many planting methods to experiment with is about the,... Earthed up ’ when plants are ankle high and in this hot weather climate:! Trenches, plant your potatoes is clear that many of us that includes potatoes and plant some potatoes year... Miles from the sun again second weeding mulch of well-rotted home-made compost be kept covered soil... Space than many other crops almost 1 ton anne WRITES: WHY is so! Ready for harvesting planting seed potatoes each year more and more of garden! The betterat least six hours per day, per potato plant yields approximately 5-10 potatoes yes, you growing... Scab – with most crops, by the plant the potatoes onto a bed of comfrey leaves and.. Climate, you are starting with disease stop once they talk hold and other acidic substances potato. More steam to prevent this, which is simply mounding soil up near the stem the. Https: // potatoes means planting potatoes produced by the plant from the store – remnants from their –... Than 95, plant your potatoes so they have long enough to the. Their texture when boiled to fork tender, plant your potatoes can grown...