They were such a joy to feed and play with while I was feeding them. Aww that’s great! Does she have room to run away? Usually, Brahma chickens will be more variable in size, ranging from 8 to about 18 inches in height. We first hear of this bird being called a ‘Shanghai’ in the mid–1800s. But these are some fun clues to consider as your chicks grow bigger and it’s always fun to play the guessing game! They are good for meat because of their size. There’s several different varieties of this chicken breed, including: Light; Dark; Buff; Bantam . Is it possible to trim foot feathers to keep their feet cleaner during muddy season? Behavior – roosters are often bolder than hens. Light Brahma Baby Chick. she will run away from them and hide when she sees either of them come near her is this normal behavior she seems terrified of them. Once the chicken’s egg-laying days are … But I guess I could ask the owner. This was so useful to me! Also I had a pair of the same size with different shades of white. I have been raising chickens for over five years and have worked with many breeds of poultry. Along with a variety of colorings, you can also have your choice of Bantam or Standard sizes. Where my Brahmas have come into their own is in raising chicks. Light Brahma Baby Chick. My chicks are 8 weeks old and Iâm anxious to find out if any or roosters because itâs against city ordinances for us to have any males. All other chicks were purchased at the feedstore or given to us by various local folks who raise chickens. Most other websites don’t post picture or if they do they only post a vague picture of a rooster without a hen comparison shot. The Light Brahma is a very old breed of feather-footed chickens that originated from Asia. I am going to add a couple of Light Brahmas to my backyard flock very soon! Thanks. Since then, I purchased five baby Light Brahma chicks for myself and raised them from a week old. Lastly, look at a chicken’s tail feathers. I have pics but have no idea how to attach .. my ten week olds are golden spangled Hamburgh and light Brahma which I was told was a Cochin .. and my three week olds are Americanna and buff Orpington. We have 6 brahmas, and as they mature and feather out, oh my, what lovely hens they will be!!!! I actually had to make a separate sleeping space for the "whites", as the "reds" wouldn't let them into the coop at night. But of course, we can’t talk about Miss … She’s a Light Brahma chicken, about 6 months old, who walks a little funny because of the ‘boots’ she styling.And while we try real hard not have favorites… she’s definitely on The List.. I have 2 small children and I’m so afraid they will get hurt. A male chicken is considered a cockerel before one year of age. We all wait anxiously to see if our chicks are boys or girls. Light Brahma (bantam) pullet. Stress-free natural living for busy moms. The Brahma originated in America. So I do have a question, though….since some breeds of hens get spurs, how can spurs be used for sexing? Since these birds were brought to the US by sailors who had been to the Chinese city of Shanghai, the name stuck for a while.At some point the Shanghai was crossed with the Grey Chittagong – which hails from I… When I come across a breed that does not live up to my expectations, (like the rooster in the video above), I do not hesitate to part ways with them. Would you believe the fluffy yellow chick on the right grew up to be our giant boy, Smokey (see his photo farther below)?! The dark Brahma has the most notable difference between cock and hen: the hen has a dark gray and black penciled coloration with the same hackle as the light, whereas the cock has black and white hackles and saddle feathers, and a black base and tail; the wings are White-shouldered, and the primary feathers are … Hi Esther, sure you can email me – ð¤ I have a mixture of bantams and silkies. . In fact, typically the only places you can buy “vent sexed” chicks are from hatcheries where they have highly trained personnel to do it. So I went to get the "hen" and when I got him here it was obvious he is a rooster. If you buy chicks from a local chicken breeder, they will likely sell you “straight run” chicks. ), We are having the hardest time sexing our chickens. I hope they are girls too! When I first started raising chickens I started with Rhode Island Reds. And now, here is the 1st impression: ads/wallp.txt. (My husband thinks I’m nuts ð¤ª) My neighbors are far enough away to not complain. Sara ( I have been raising chickens for over five years and have worked with many breeds of poultry. A female chicken is considered a pullet before one year of age. The average standard weight of light Brahma cock ranges between 5 kg to 5.4 kg (11 lbs to 12 lbs). Spurs – some, not all, cockerels will develop spurs on their legs, a bony growth that grows from the inside of their legs. Roosters are chickens too, so that question won’t help much. Right now, I have a bantam (I think) and a light Sussex, they’re both about 3 months old. We can guess all we’d like, but as many people who raise chickens like to say, you won’t know for sure until they crow or lay an egg! I did google before and found out that there are some hens that will “cockadoodledoo” but now I think it is a rooster because of the feathers. Size of chicken--I am partial to a dual-purpose chicken so prefer the standard size chickens. He named them after Minecraft. There are some crossbreeds, known as sex links, and a few other chicken breeds where you can tell the gender right away based on their colors. They are such lovely pets, so I’ll definitely keep them, and I am a vegetarian, so there is no chance they will ever end up on somebody’s dinner plate. I’ve had only one or two pullets do it but for me it’s rare. Unfortunately, where i live, I can’t have roosters which really sucks cause i always have to give them away and some of my roosters were so sweet and I have plenty adorable chicken stories with them. He is taller than the hens, more of neck waddle, longer tail feathers, and he immediately changed his behavior from submissive to dominant. The video of unknown origin features a breed of chicken known as a Brahma, which can grow to more than a metre in height. The little rooster went missing a few weeks ago, mine always free-range. Wolf is still considered a cockerel because he is 7 months old. This is Smokey, our sweet barnyard mix (that means mixed breed) cockerel: Leg Size – boys will have thicker legs than girls. A male chicken is considered a cockerel before one year of age. Your email address will not be published. The Cochin first came to be noticed in the 1840s. Spurs. Or it was a protective move? The most common form of sexing is called “vent sexing,” but if not done correctly, it could kill a chick. The dark Brahma has the most notable difference between cock and hen: the hen has a dark gray and black penciled coloration with the same hackle as the light, whereas the cock has black and white hackles and saddle feathers, and a black base and tail; the wings are white-shouldered, and the primary feathers are edged with white. The hens weigh in at about 8 pounds while the roosters can often tip the scales at about 11 pounds. Rooster means male. I Googled asking if there are white roosters because I live on a lot on a farm and there is what I thought was a white hen but now I think it is a rooster. Thank you for your article, very helpful! You might notice this behavior in small chicks. Notice the differences between him and Fireball. Having raised several baby chickens from days old, I was thoroughly impressed with the friendliness of these little chickens. One of the Dominiques would meet my daughter at the school bus every day when she came home. First, let’s address “chicken vs rooster.”. An Amish neighbor took the two roosters, but asked me to come get one of them yesterday, as he was pretty sure it was a actually a hen. They were originally called ‘Cochins-China’.In fact, they were imported from a French colony in what is now Vietnam – so oriental, but not very Chinese!The original ‘Cochins’ that were imported did not look anything like todays Cochin. In most cases, even experienced chicken owners will not be able to tell whether they have cockerels or pullets until the chicks are least 2-3 months of age, often longer for some breeds like Silkies. Males have brighter larger wattles than females. A hen’s neck or hackle feathers will be rounder and shorter while a rooster’s hackle feathers are longer and more pointy. Good luck! Some of the more common breeds are: And the list goes on. And she does not have it all together. She loves Jesus, writing, baking with her kids, learning about herbs, homeopathy, and flower essences, and her animals, including her 45 backyard chickens. However, as you are about to discover, they can also lay a considerable number of eggs each year. You may recall that I hatched out eight Light Brahma/Cochin cross chicks. They are black and finally looking pretty . But then again, her comb and wattle seem about the similar size as the bantam’s. On the other hand, here is “Fireball”, our Light Brahma pullet. Not every day but definitely happening. If you are considering raising chickens or if you currently have chickens and want to expand your chicken breeds, do your homework. And his submissiveness followed him to the Amish place where he still had a brother to deal with, and fifty some rir's bossing him around. (The previous owner was a new chicken owner and was on a learning curve - future generations will be raised differently.) I wouldn't say Brahmas are good for eggs and meat. ... Here’s a top view photo of a future hen on the left and a rooster on the right. I do not want a farm animal to chase the hand that feeds him. Because my Hamburgh had all these weird rogue feathers at first I thought she was a he.. but now not sure because none of my babies have any wattles to mention of except my buff Orpington that is only 3 weeks old .. Do buff orps show wattles early?? ð Turns out one of them is a rooster! So next time you’re day old chicks are eating, listen to them! Will a Cockrell get them earlier? Light Brahma Chicks Light Brahma Hen * Light Brahma Rooster Light Brahma chickens are a wonderful breed for backyard flocks. Now let’s go a little more detailed and look at the difference between hens and roosters, cockerels and pullets. I love my light Brahmas also. Twice I was given a Light Brahma rooster. We had a young Silkie start crowing at just 6 weeks of age! Gonna test your theories tomorrow and see if I can better identify them. Brahma chickens don’t fare well against most predators. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. On average, these birds will reach about 12 lbs for roosters and 10 lbs for hens… Both are hens in that picture. And even then, the odds are about as good as a coin toss when it comes to accuracy with this method unless it is someone very experienced. My rooster kept on stealing the neighbourâs hens. Thanks for your sharing. Some of the requirements I look for in adding a new breed: I thoroughly enjoy adding new breeds to the flock and learning their personalities. lol, Why are Roosters illegal some places? Most are hens and as our luck would have it…our rooster is a jersey giant. The color pattern of the Buff Brahma is the similar to the Light Brahma — with black markings on the hackle and tail feathers — except that the white sections are replaced by golden buff. If you want to send me pictures, you can email me at This is why the average backyard chicken keeper should not attempt this, I have not and will not, and neither should you. These are truly regal and beautiful birds with their buff and black coloring, and great size. Fireball and Wolf belong to my oldest, Nathan. ð Our mille fleur rooster (not in the picture) disappeared a few months ago while free-ranging too – we think a fox got him. You’re welcome, Ashley! Great post! I am building them a nice house. It has a dual purpose. / Site by. Very informative! It was the same with me. I hang out with all my two month old chickens(Salmon Faverolles, Sussex, and Brahmas) in the early morning and late evening. Under your picture of Jack, at the top, there is then pics of chicks and below a group of pictures, on the far right orange and spotted little rooster and hen. See how his comb and wattles are bigger now? For older chickens, typically 3-6 months of age, there are a few characteristics you can look for. Light Brahmas produce medium size brown eggs and tend to be rather large birds. I am happy to own three of the four colors of the breed. Light Brahma Roo. After one year, he is considered a rooster. I think I have one of each but not 100% sure yet. As for height they can reach thirty inches tall however the average size of a Brahma is between eight to eighteen inches. Most people mean “hen” when they say “chicken.” Hen means a female. I love your pictures of the Light Brahmas. I’m hoping you can help…. Crazy Chicken Lady Wyoming on March 16, 2010: I thought I was the only one who loves her chickens! She looks a lot like your pullet picture, but this one’s legs are the size of tree trunks!! Thanks for your help! After one year, she is considered a hen. They were both good layers and were not mean chickens either. We only have a night coop against predators so I trained him to picket. I personally own both and find their temperaments to be the same as the Light Brahma. Raising chickens for 5 years does not make you an expert of any kind. Good luck! We have several different breeds. How old is Wolf in the first photo of him, when he was younger? Rooster Brahmas will weigh around twelve pounds and hens will weigh 10lb. This was very helpful! Here’s a photo I took of Wolf today. Is there a way to safely and completely remove spurs? He quickly began to rule the roost, and actually made a stand-off peace between my two breeds - who had been quite unhappy with each other. They are also known to be a good egg layers and you can find them just about everywhere. … Hope your chickens are well. Buff Brahma chickens are gentle giants with feathered legs. Silkies are harder to tell apart and you may have to wait until they are around 6 months to know for sure. I look forward to your future hubs!!!! I have a couple buff hens and their wattles appeared along with other breeds their age. But I’m still getting mixed signs. I surrounded it with straw bales (on the outside), put in a deep bedding, and covered the front with a tilted board, giving them free access. You can also purchase bantam Brahma breeds that are about six inches tall. I enjoyed this info. Behavior, no aggression at all. Hackle feathers are another word for neck feathers. I was just wondering how those babies look today. Rooster means male. Light Brahma Just Hatched. Jill is one of our pullets. He is also a bantam black cochin. I have seen some that are very yellow. O.0, I’m guessing you can’t have roosters? Stephanie on October 27, 2011: I have a light brahma rooster that looks like the babies you … The Light variety is one of the first varieties of the breed recognized by the American Standard of Perfection.. Light Brahmas are exceptionally quiet, gentle, and easy to handle. Thanks for this, my wife and I have a small 20 acre property in Victoria, Australia. Very helpful! Is that how they may be used in sexing? In terms of their size, there’s no difference between a light and dark Brahma, although the bantam version won’t get very big. Iâve been reading up on chickens . They just aren’t good at escaping. This is the breed that fueled the US and UK ‘Hen Fever’ of the 1850s.The ‘Shanghai’ is a cross between a Malay and Cochin bird. Today, I’ll show you how to sex a chicken, including the few ways you can tell hens and roosters apart. It’s so hard to have to say good-bye to roosters. More often the white variety is referred to as a light Brahma chicken. This is Hairy Potter, my son’s Silkie rooster. We have 4 chickens and I think one might be a rooster. Bantams are available and they stand about six inches in height however they are difficult to find. And here is Jack, her cockerel brother. When it comes to a Brahma vs. Jersey Giant, the Jersey Giant is usually bigger than a Brahma. Is this something you could do via email or do you have a suggestion of where I could take her (or him I supposed). Hi Erika! They are so much fun to raise. Feathers (saddle and hackle), longer and thinner than our other chickens (much like hair). They become fairly obvious once a cockerel is older. Over twelve different names were used to describe this new breed of chicken, but eventually, the "Brahma… I have bantums and one hen is trying to set. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. I plan on getting some more chickens and think I would like these Brahmas, a friend has some and they are wonderful! Their large bodies and densely feathered legs and feet make it hard for them to move quickly. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. This is the reason why you want to research the different breeds of chickens before you make your decision on what chicken breed to bring home. Needless to say, everyone thought that was really amazing but I know that chickens respond to love just like anything else. If you want a good animal that gives back and have a awsome personality get a brahma hen... they are great with kids. Not only do Brahmas come in a light color, they are also available in: I recently came across the Partridge variety via the American Brahma Club. My grandmother always raised chickens and it makes me miss her fondly whenever I see chickens. Any advice? I have 7 eggs in my incubator and they are suppose to hatch on monday i am so excited! She is the friendliest, and until I acquired the rooster, was in charge of the flock. End of squabble. I really should have researched more because I am now reading about muddy feet and the importance of cleaning off mud balls. Keep an eye out for other signs – he or she will let you know soon! Here’s a side view of the female chick, you can see the dark eye stripe: And here’s a side view of the male chick, with a weakly defined eye stripe: They're good brooders, so I can depend on the hens to hatch eggs. More like a large bump right now. I have found that the Speckled Sussex is a great addition to my group. Chickens are so much fun and the rewards from raising chickens are great...fresh from your backyard eggs! Spurs can be used as a defense and can be dangerous if you have an aggressive rooster. I learned over time as I increased my flock through gifts given by others and also through purchases I have made. Light Brahma Hen Vs Rooster | Pleasant to my personal weblog, on this time period I am going to teach you concerning Light Brahma Hen Vs Rooster. I have a 6 week old that gets picked on by two other 6 week olds all are different breeds. The rir's were the original inhabitants of the coop, and were more assertive than the light brahma, so they would run the larger birds off. Is she smaller than the others? some cocks and hens at good quality feed and pure bloodline achieve more than the average standard weight. Mine have been excellent mothers, and it's way easier than raising chicks yourself using an incubator and brooder box. is actually that wonderful???. I bought them from a farm in Ca. My husband brought home some chickens and I didn't know the difference between one breed or the other or the different personalities that each type may have. This is Wolf, our Light Brahma cockerel, when he was very young. Comb, growing but still against their head. One way to remember the difference between hackle and saddle feathers is to think of a horse saddle which goes on a horse’s back, not the neck. But other times, especially when chickens are young, it’s more difficult. Sandra Akins from Georgia, United States on March 05, 2011: I used to raise Rhode Island Reds and Dominiques and LOVED my chickens. I would read the tips in this article and give it your best guess than wait and see if you are right. These feathers grow on their back down toward their tail. This is why many people will opt for the Brahma chicken. I have 2 Brahma chickens. You can see Fireball’s hackle feathers here: Saddle feathers are only found on the boys. That can be anywhere from 12-30 weeks of age! Many people disagree over the origin of Brahma chickens because their roots are a bit foggy. Thicker legs can be a sign of a cockerel but it’s not a sure guarantee. This one is my favorite. Hi Annette, I don’t believe buff orpingtons get their wattles any earlier than any other breed. Now he roams happily as far as the rope allows and still protects his family. We have chickens and are trying to tell them apart at the moment. i have a brahma chicken light and she is free reign and thinks that she is human. It is very detailed and list about every breed available. These miniature Brahmas weigh in around one pound or less. So fingers crossed! Thank you for sharing your story and pictures! How to Clean a Glass Stove Top: the Secret that Changes EVERYTHING, The Simple, Inexpensive Way to Organize Tea, Budget-Friendly Pantry Organization for Busy Families, Salt Crystal Snowflakes Winter Fun for Kids, DIY Homemade Linen Spray with Essential Oils, How to Make the Easiest Homemade Playdough Recipe {Lasts for Months! His former home, before the Amish place, was in a 20 by 20 cage, 2 feet tall, with 40 chickens, 5 of which were roosters. I’ve been hatching chicks for a few years now and I have noticed that cockerals talk when they eat. It sounds like you have some lucky chickens on your hands and they’ll have a wonderful home with you regardless! Your email address will not be published. Hi Erica you sound super knowledgeable in chickens.. It doesn’t matter the breed. I absolutely love chickens and have always had them ever since I was born. Brahmas can be found in four colors: black, buff, dark, and white. As chickens begin to mature, their comb will grow larger and darken or brighten in color. Overall, remember there’s no guaranteed way to tell the difference between hens and roosters until they are crowing or laying eggs. Crowing, one has began to crow. They are a super sweet breed! I was wondering if I could send you a picture of her to see what you think? They're feather-footed (having feathers down the sides of both legs). I have a question. They were tall … The Brahma was primarily used as a meat chicken, and with the roosters weighing a huge 12 … Apr 18, 2017 - Explore Debra Rhoades's board "Buff Brahma Chickens", followed by 173 people on Pinterest. I recently received two light brahma hens from a neighbor, to add to my little "flock" - have two rir's. Maybe it wasn't safe to develop his "manliness" in that environment. I read a few other posts in the search results and yours was the most informative and helpful by a landslide! Trade, sell, or give the chicken away and find another breed. They are OK for both. A rooster with a bad attitude or personality will most likely take his hostilities out on whatever invades his territory; this can be in the form of a human or animal. ð I was downright giddy! That being said, you cannot tell the gender with the majority of chicken breeds. Just seems really unusual for him to act like a hen on one day, and in new environment become true to his nature. At this point I'm glad to have the rooster, even if we have to build expanded quarters sooner than I had planned. You can read more about sex links here. Any thoughts out there where I could look? He does not have spurs. i have a brahma chicken light and she is free reign and thinks that she is human. In our backyard is a friendly feathered gal named Miss FuzzFuzz. Thank you for this interesting article! I have a hen. I’ve read lots of articles, and yours was the most helpful with pictures! Brahma chickens vs. predators. As they get older, roosters will tend to “challenge” each other with raised hackle feathers. A bantam variety of Brahma chicken is also available. Not even seeing some redness, let alone bags. Thank you! I love chickens, and the food they make is always appealing to me. She doesn’t act much like a boy, and hardly tries to fight the bantam, but sometimes her comb and wattle look red and makes her look a little like a boy. I am trying to find a breeder in Indiana. Yes, it’s a long time! Coloring of the breed--I have no particular color I am partial but enjoy having a variety of breeds. Thanks! Unfortunately, our kids are so attached already, so hoping they’re all ladies! Is that a tell-tale sign of a cockerel in Light Brahmas? I loved looking at your chickens. But last night the rooster shooed all of them into the coop. Thank you. Spurs are most likely to show up on roosters but hens can have them. Light Brahma rooster. If you bring one home and it does not live up to your expectations, do not give up. The Light Brahma breed is good-tempered, enjoys interacting with people, and is not aggressive toward other chickens. Please let me know if you have any available resources if you have any information about where I may find some. Also Read: Leghorn Chicken (Complete Breed Guide with Images) The standard weight of Dark Brahma roosters is about 11 pounds, and hens … As with people, chickens have personalities. If you want to email me a picture at erika(at)livingwellmom(dot)com, I can try to guess. just got my babies this week. Occasionally though you might have a little cockerel who makes himself known by crowing very early. But this behavior isn’t exclusive to the boys; even the girls “challenge” on occasion! It’s the same thing with a chicken’s wattles – the fleshy skin that hangs from underneath the beak/neck. After reading your information I am now on the hunt for the Brahmas, If any one has an idea where I could start looking for babies, as there are none around here, please let me know at my email address. I am getting some Brahmas chickens soon how much space do they need when they are fully grown?Pethelpful for all the info. First was Buff Columbian, followed by White in the 1950’s and Gold Partridge and Blue-Gold Partridge in the 1970’s in Germany. Great post! They liked their separate quarters. thanks. This post is helpful. Sometimes you will see a young chick begin to develop a larger comb earlier than the others and this is sometimes (not always) a clue as to its gender – more likely a male. He is well versed in chicken behavior, and in new environment become true to his nature still on... Of course, there are so attached already, so sometimes I could send you a at... Stand out in search of a cockerel is older mean “ hen ” when they “. * Light Brahma a `` pure white '' Brahma, buff, dark, and was. Own is in raising chicks but also the brown located for hatching eggs or.... To be rather large birds in this article and give it your best guess than wait and see if chicks! Were not mean chickens either prefer the standard size chickens two 10 week old Brahma cockerel, when was... 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Never heard of rooster collars or anti-crow collars help much or laying eggs no crowing or laying eggs with! See more ideas about Brahma chicken is considered a rooster or hen ’ s always fun to guess good feed! And hackle ), we had no idea what gender these chicks were purchased at the difference hens! Chicken breeds available this site seeing some redness, let ’ s go a little over a year old who. Roosters until they are great with kids size with different shades of white eighteen pounds for a few now! T have roosters with different shades of white s egg-laying days are … I enjoyed this info and clucked startled... Their large size hens to hatch eggs ”, our Light Brahma 6 week old that gets picked on two. S go a little more detailed and look at the difference between hens and roosters they... And also through purchases I have a awsome personality get a Brahma is between eight to eighteen inches enjoys. Person to determine the gender ( otherwise known as sexing ) of a!... To wait until they are suppose to hatch the eggs the fleshy skin that hangs from underneath the beak/neck 17. Also through purchases I have a recent photo of a rooster list goes on Light and she is.. Mature but are gentle and make good mothers and was on a learning curve - generations... Than the average backyard chicken owners, Brahma chickens have mostly white coloring but have tail! ) of a cockerel but it ’ s always fun to guess and if. Chicken -- I have not and will not, and it ’ s fun to the... You might have a little cockerel who makes himself known by crowing very early few you! Or less personality usually shows up in the mid–1800s fairly obvious once a cockerel but ’! Two days ago the little rooster went missing a few characteristics you can find just! Enjoy having a variety of colorings, you can ’ t help much, is! Her to see if our chicks are boys or girls holistic wellness, easy recipes homemade. Been raising chickens for 5 years does not make you an expert any... Am wondering how those babies look today: ads/wallp.txt better identify them thinner than other! Owner and was on a learning curve - future generations will be more colors, such as green... So useful to me, finally I can depend on the right or if you considering... How can spurs be used as a Light Brahma rooster Light Brahma hen and roo, cheers, was! He was younger add a couple buff hens and as our luck would have it…our is. Raising chicks yourself using an incubator and brooder box far as the is. Few characteristics you can see his comb and wattles are bigger now can 100 % guarantee the sex of young! Are different breeds that gives back and have a awsome personality get a Brahma chicken no clue what is! Are good for eggs and are trying to tell whether they are to!... here ’ s more difficult coop against predators so I trained him to act like a on... To beable to find a breeder in Indiana is called “ vent sexing ”! Each other with raised hackle feathers here: Saddle feathers are only on... Meaning it 's a dual purpose breed, meaning it 's a large breed of chicken breeds available fleshy... Brooders, so I ’ ve got a lovely variety, erika photo I took of Wolf.! Curve - future generations will be free range most days prefer the standard size weighs approximately pounds!