That’s completely ridiculous. Hazelnut. Is dietary Vitamin C from fruits, vegetables, plants necessary for human survival? If you use a couple tbsp of butter and couple tbsp of oil, that’s a good 400 calories. Alvin – great thoughts, really enjoyed reading. Others, through necessity and by free enterprise and other abilities became carpenters, blacksmiths, soldiers, thinkers and explorers and built the civilization and infrastructure which today you are living off of and benefiting from the foundation of. I grew up schooled in the same belief: If you go without Vitamin C in your diet you will die of scurvy- whether you’re on a boat at sea or not. I peek through my curtains and catch a capped figure dressed in uniform white dropping off three gallons of full fat whole milk: the “hard stuff”… on my front porch. Join national, international, and local QS events. Posts on self-tracking culture, tools, and methods. Could you answer that question with a definitive Yes or a No? Billions of flies and lots of “higher animals” like rabbits, chimps, gorillas are coprophagic. I lost excess weight and found my six pack. But this scenario ends the same as the other: No more cows alive on farms. I believe he and another volunteer went about a year on that diet and showed that carbs were unnecessary. who knows –. This isn’t just the case for whole nuts, it remains true for almond flour and almond butter as well. That isn’t clarified. If you normally eat 1,800 calories per day, and the fat intake ranges between 60% to 75% per day, then your required fat each day should be between 108 to 135 grams per day. How much butter is best. per person per year = 13 lbs. You misunderstood or misrepresented me: I am not “denying” that eating saturated animal fat raises cholesterol and I didn’t say anything as wishy-washy as : “yet it’s not harmful”. DG does at least try to use some scientific and historical info to support his views. Wait – I’m already doing just that. You should not deny until you try. The good part about Brazil nuts is that they are rich in potassium which improves sleep. NASA is quite an organization. Comparing the 30 g/day results with the combination of earlier and later 60 g/day results, t = 3, p = 0.006. “Any negative health benefits and the implications of daily milk consumption.”. Even fruit preserves don’t solve the problem: Whether dried or canned fruit loses it C so much that it could not have been the answer to keep people alive. You may have survived, but I can assure you that any credible dietician worth their salt, basing their advice on qualified research and scientific evidence, would recommend a balanced diet including plenty of fruit and veg. I discovered the effect of butter in an unusual way (measuring myself day after day), I tried a variety of tasks (I started by measuring balance), I refined the data analysis, and so on. Ask questions and share knowledge with the QS community. We help you make discoveries using your own data. That said, I support all efforts to end or reduce pollution, and I support most if not all “green” technologies. B: You’re not listening Alvin… I said “because let’s face it, we’ve done that”. In the United States, it’s estimated that butter consumption is around 550,000 tons per year. But you can start reminding yourself when you eat butter that it’s good for you: Eating fat is a necessary part of a healthy diet, Butter is probably the healthiest thing I can eat in the morning. Instead of being used for veal, male calves are raised to maturity to produce Organic Pasture’s 100% grass-fed ground beef.”. A: If doing what animals do is “natural” and correct will you be eating some poop today? I didn’t want to revisit the points of contention I stated “because let’s face it, we’ve done that” (haven’t I already said that? This was not a diet of “steaks” for that experiment. If you have a different solution that doesn’t end with all the cows on farms today being dead in the future and the ones set “free” being hunted and eaten by predators, do share it. How much diesel needs to be burned to harvest a row of corn, wheat or soybeans? Don’t you remember California dairyman Mark McAfee who you called “dumb Mark”? “There are a number of points of contention regarding milk consumption both on this site and on the wider internet.”, “The naturalness of drinking another animal’s milk.”. I have never taken statins and never will. Unless you can quote me a reliable source that’s just not true? Just adding this to what you normally eat for breakfast without making any subtractions could set you up for energy overload. found in fish, avocado, nuts, sunflower, canola and olive oils) are preferable to saturated fats (e.g. In the early 1900s, Americans consumed about 17 pounds of butter per person per year; by 2004 butter consumption was only at 3.7 pounds per person per year. How could they live on meat and milk without factory farms? "Peanut butter is a great source of magnesium and potassium, two minerals that help to control blood pressure and balance sodium," she shared with The List . Is that clear enough? “Balance”? But nevertheless, the ones currently in “captivity” , on ranches and on dairy farms would all die off eventually anyway. When it comes to eating healthy, you may wonder where butter fits in. First, reaction-time methodology. cheese, ice cream, fatty meat). After comparing four major butter brands, we determined that on average there are 80 mg of sodium per 10 g serving. So, a dairy farmer who makes a living selling the stuff makes wild claims which blatantly encourage eating more butter. Why fly bananas and papayas to Stockholm telling the people they “need” them? Taking in too much saturated fat is linked with raising levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol in the blood and increasing internal inflammation. Because I benefited personally, this was easy. What happens to them now? I think you have to eat organ meats since muscle meat (even with its’ fat) simply doesn’t provide enough of the critically necessary vitamins and minerals. Midday snacking is more (cold) milk if I’m in the vicinity of the fridge. “Truths”? But in my past I have tried a few different diets. Better experimental design. Do these thoughts sound familiar: Don’t eat too much butter; you’ll clog your arteries”, Easy on the butter, you don’t want to get heart disease, Careful not to use too much, you’ll end up like Paula Dean, Lowfat is healthier for people watching their weight, Always choose low or reduced fat to be healthy. --- Elyse wrote: Not including whats in my food I need to add about 13 tablespoons of oils, butter or ghee. For a long time I ate 60 g of butter (= 4 tablespoons = half a stick) per day. A: “Dairy cows live vastly shorted lives…” Compared to what? Their condition could then have been cured in either of two different ways: with fresh fruit containing lots of Vitamin C or with fresh meat. To fertilize the soil? These include: Excess Sodium – It is recommended that you only eat 1,500 mg of sodium per day. THC (or CBD if you have the lab tests) are in each serving of your finished edibles. The recommended serving of almonds according to a one ounce per day system is about 23, which makes sense if you consider that three ounces of almonds would add almost 500 calories to your daily intake. This one’s in the bag and I’m far better off health-wise now than when I was consuming plant matter. A: “So, sorry to interrupt your mutual appreciation Alvin and DG, but I think it is crucial that truths are heard and a sense of balance maintained in this important debate.” “Truths”? That’s your goal. I didn’t want to “revisit” this, you did, by regurgitating an old claim about how mankind’s dairying is inherently brutal to calves – as opposed to gentle and merciful Nature. “So, sorry to interrupt your mutual appreciation Alvin and DG, but I think it is crucial that truths are heard and a sense of balance maintained in this important debate.”. The Serengeti, perhaps? It’s understandable – since it is a government-funded outfit. But if calling me an “idiot” somehow makes you feel big, you go for it. Theoretically, adding just one serving per day to your diet without making any other changes could lead to approximately 10 pounds (4.5 kg) of … I am EXTOLLING the relationship between dietary fat and cholesterol in the body. You did not answer that. Whatever number is still alive down the road in the future would be wild and “free” and living in Nature – where their numbers would be held in check by natural predation, which will include from time to time the young being stalked and killed and eaten (as seen on countless nature programs) without which of course, they would multiply to the point where they would outstrip their living space’s capacity to sustain them and then begin to die off due to starvation. And not all of the Western world “which gorges on foods high in saturated fats is riddled with heart disease, strokes, diabetes”. Or is it “all the same” in your judgment? But exactly how much salt is in salted butter? A proper portion of organic peanut butter … “Do you understand that the CO2 that is released from “burping herbivores” comes from the process of the sugars in the plant material breaking down? No retirement plan there for Mrs Cow, its hamburger time for her. Therefore, two tablespoons of butter provide more saturated fat than most … Milk being according to you “unnecessary, unfit, improper, genocidal”, etc thus quite, quite wrong for human consumption. B: Your inappropriately whimsical reply didn’t really answer my point about it being “a terribly invasive and stressful procedure” did it Alvin? All that CO2 that was abosrbed by those trees was never released back out into the atmosphere. I think it’s that last line that really spells it out. They are also among the longest lived. THE DUMB FARMER IS ANOTHER STEREOTYPE THAT YOU’VE FALLEN FOR – Oh you are not dumb Dairy Guy. If you can’t understand this, how can you lecture others on the science of “climate change”? You’re just posting your personal views. Credibility is based on and backed up by scientific research and facts, not some mystical mumbo-jumbo which inspires someone to eat just red meat for 40+ days straight claiming it’s a healthy thing to do. In so far as it is the expression of the “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” – they “administer” space. Anonymous: Cooking and baking are awesome! Is almond butter a good food for muscle building and increasing lean mass? What I will fight to expose is liars, deniers and those who make false claims to further their own cause; those who distort the truth and say things which are not proven or substantiated. I’m trying to picture a “cow” of the type we’re discussing standing there grazing….day in, day out, year in, year out and occasionally trucking on down to the water hole. I don’t know. I could care less what an idiot like him/her/it thinks and I don’t care to educate the masses who’ve swallowed all the líes put out in the 20th Century. “Live on bread and wheat. THC is in your entire batch of butter or oil. You have to eat a wider amount of vegetable, grains, etc to get the same nutrition as in meat or dairy which begs the naturalness of it. Last year I went 46 days on meat alone (lamb shoulder mostly). Male calves are surplus to requirements in the dairy industry, so routinely destroyed. But butter ends up as a food to limit on most healthy diets. Is France considered a “Mediterranean” country? It’s a shame you cannot grasp what I am saying when I write things down. Our forefather knew this; why else would they eat so much butter. Modern, humane slaughtering is far, far less cruel and brutal compared to what happens in “nature”. Would this lessen his crime? It’s a natural cycle that keeps the planet breathing. You refuse to answer direct questions that challenge your vegan agenda: What would you do with the ‘vast numbers’ of domestic cattle we have on hand now? of butter less/ year than people did in the past. Second, personal science (science done to help yourself). Drinking milk unnecessarily beyond weening. So Harvard itself isn’t sure what the Mediterranean Diet is. Good for you. Most other animals, I read, can make the Vitamin C they need. Within conditions, there was no sign of a speed-accuracy tradeoff (the fitted lines do not slope downward). The European Union is actually much higher with a whopping 1.5 million tons (note the “million” before tons) of butter consumed annually. Artificial insemination, routine in the dairy industry, is a terribly invasive and stressful procedure. (I'm supposed to be consuming about 1750 calories per day on this weight-loss diet I'm on.) For a person eating a 2000 calorie diet, this would be 22 grams of saturated fat or less per day. Hey that’s yer natural order at work. First I must respond: on April 2nd, you wrote: “Let’s also not forget that billions of people around the world are in fact lactose intolerant and cannot consume milk into adulthood without feeling ill.”. Likewise, I discovered the effect in Berkeley. There is probably no diet that is the holy grail, but eating what our ancestors ate is probably going to be a safe bet for us. Being that there used to be 80 million buffalo roaming the plains of central N. America, i think we are making progress. Work out how much of it you can get into your calorie goals and go for it. Two years ago I discovered that butter — more precisely, substitution of butter for pork fat — made me faster. Try to limit your peanut butter intake to one serving per day (two tablespoons), and make sure to count those 190 calories toward your daily caloric quota. That use of “denier!” immediately throws a red flag up that these pushers of an agenda can’t support their theory any other way. You just want to post your entire screed again without its’ problematic “specifics” being challenged. No symptoms yet. On a post of yours (April 2) you had written: “It’s an interesting tact you take regarding the effects of cholesterol; choosing not to deny that fatty dairy (and red meats), heavy in saturated fats cause increased levels of cholesterol, instead arguing that increased levels of cholesterol are not harmful,”. Go to war to re-open them? Your weekly milk bill must be way lower than mine. And making the adjustment is EASY! It makes sense because butter is a great nutrient dense food. I’m sure I have. (Noticing Cheese Consumption also) 14,160 lbs. Do you deny that too much LDL cholesterol is bad? B: I am but a humble member of society with a conscience, that’s all Alvin. Just because they took it with them doesn’t mean it was good for them. “Live on bread and wheat” and whole grain we were told. (28, 29) This thinking was largely based on international comparisons showing higher breast cancer rates in countries with higher per capita fat intake. I don’t push for any traditional societies that don’t eat red meat or dairy to start now. A: Do you admit there is a difference between “factory farming” and humane non-factory dairying? I’m just trying to picture someone like you – an effete and “developed” First Worlder – overseeing the confiscation of African cattle from African natives. Then your cause is lost right now. You just want to post your entire screed again without its’ problematic “specifics” being challenged. Alvin has made some great points and generated some great discussion. Without human stewardship and interest for mutual survival cows, sheep, goats,etc would be left to the balance of nature. Who are YOU, Badger? And since bacteria and animals have evolved to be able to eat trees, we’re never going to have all that CO2 packed away buried in the Earth again.”, “Farmed animals are exploited as a resource and processed accordingly on production lines in factories.”. I would suppose in this case that the more humane among the farmers (do we think they exist?…) would continue to milk their cows and/or feed the calves on hand that could use it or pour it out on the ground. That plant matter that those burping herbivores are eating would have decayed from some other process that would have produced equal amounts of CO2 and those plants being devoured makes way for new plants to grow which will then again absorb equal amounts of CO2 and give off O2. And back when people were told to consume 6-11 servings of carbs per day, they were also advised to ingest fat very sparingly. I took my time and the stick lasted about 30 minutes each day. A: “So without wanting to revisit these specifics…”. But you did not answer whether or not if you had the power you would confiscate the herds from the Mongols and the Maasai. Butter Consumption = 420 lbs. Please don’t waste my time with evasion. Later, you responded to my point blank question: If doing what animals do is “natural” and correct will you be eating some poop today? They then have their babies (calves) forcefully taken from them causing massive distress to both, as it would to any sentient being, before spending a short lifes being hooked up to a milking machine a couple of times a day. Like wayyyy more than you are eating today. What exactly do you think a ‘humane’ farm is anyway? A: It occurs to me that in their “natural” state, calves of “free” wild ruminants are very often “separated from their mothers at an unnaturally young age”. I read the Harvard diet article you linked. It’s fairly irrefutable as far as I can tell. I noticed the same speed of change with pork fat and sleep: How much pork fat I ate during a single day affected my sleep that night (and only that night). It is a meal. Your premise that “there is not enough land…” is patently and historically laughable. This guy shares his story about how he lost 150 lbs in 1 year by eating more butter and less carbohydrates and sugar. I supplied you with a scientific explanation of how the product gases of cows are related to the issue of global warming – which exonerates the cattle as being no worse and no different than natural decomposition of plant material. Americans eat far too much heavily-processed unnatural food : pizza, bread, corn chips, carbs, sugar (which burns out the pancreas leading to Type 2 diabetes) and when they do eat meat it’s not fresh and grass-fed, it’s cured and preserved and low in nutrients and buried inside a fast-food burger and “gorged” along with fries and a sugary shake or soda. I haven’t seen enough good science to support the claims. Each day the stick of butter was consumed for breakfast with my coffee. Put butter on pancakes. I’ve lost relatives – watched them suffer and decay without being able to intervene while someone’s making a bundle. Regarding Vitamin C I looked up some information on why and how we can get by without dietary C (from fruits or plant matter, etc) and I found this on the web by someone concerned with Autoimmune Thyroid Disease: “Meat not only prevents scurvy because it contains tiny quantities of vitamin C, it prevents it because it bypasses the need for vitamin C. Vitamin C is required to form collagen in the body, and it does this – despite being described everywhere as an antioxidant – by oxidation. And also watch “The Vegetarian Myth” by Lierre Keith. I personally believe any unnecessary suffering is unacceptable. Since you left this vague….let me see if I can figure out using logic what your solution would be: The “billions of animals” we now have are the “supply” and the populace (those now wanting meat and milk) are the “demand”. For example, replace 30 g of butter with 30 g of olive oil. Then watch your body, metabolism, and health change for the better. All farmed animals suffer violent deaths. What were these women eating? B: Okay, a CLIMATE DENIER as well. For some European groups like the Swedes lactose tolerance is nearly 100% of the population. Now that we are burning them, that is exactly what is happening. A stick of butter has about 810 calories so no more than a stick a day if that is the only fat he is eating. Someone also with a “vested interest”? Show me some ‘credible’ scientific medical research which says that was a good idea and should be encouraged. I’VE BEEN STUDYING DAIRY MY WHOLE LIFE – PRACTICALLY AND ACADEMICALLY – but clearly not impartially or compassionately YOU’RE KIND OF PROVING ONE OF THE POINTS OF THE ARTICLE SO THANK YOU – Your welcome… err which one? In the Nurses’ Health Study II, premenopausal women who ate diets high in animal fat had a 40 to 50 percent higher risk of breast cancer, compared to women who ate the least animal fat. It was doable and not particularly unpleasant but I made the mistake of not including any organ meat at all. You wrote: “It’s extremely well documented that animal farming generates a huge amount of GHG in the form of methane and nitrates.”. Of course we all have a personal carbon footprint to consider, but that’s not quite the same as industrialised GHG generation, don’t you agree? Finally I returned to 60 g/day. And they show that sailors ate a lot of dairy. Have a read of this (if DG allows it)… I trust that a Harvard Institute piece on ‘Dietary Fat and Disease’ is a credible enough source for you?? B: There is not enough land on earth to meet the meat and dairy demands without factory farms – research it… All farmed animals die brutal deaths in slaughterhouses regardless of where they come from, so in that sense, yes, they are the same. 3. It is a rich source of the mineral magnesium. That’s depressing. Male calves are surplus to requirements in the dairy industry, so routinely destroyed.”. Remembering that butter helps with hunger and satiety, you cannot discounts butter’s assistance in reducing mutinies.. lol, One of the greatest threats to a sailor’s life was SCURVY, not butter deficiency!! Before these results, I had no reason to think 60 g/day was better than 30 g/day. I can’t believe you are incapable of working this out. How many human field workers – who themselves inevitably add to GHG by their mere presence in a region where they drive cars, or use mass transportation, burden infrastructure, use state services, consume electricity – are needed in the fields to pick your fruit and veggies? My “education”… I grew up in a family with actual rocket scientists in it. That is a process that WILL occur no matter how that plant material is broken down. Those three Western countries have some of the highest consumption of saturated animal fat from meat and dairy, the highest blood cholesterol levels and also the lowest rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD) worldwide. It’s shown us that just because an idea becomes mainstream, the majority of people can be wrong. How did the Eskimos get their vitamin C. Its true, we’ve all been taught that we need to eat our fruits and vegetables, but obviously Eskimos in the arctic eat very few yet survived for multiple generations without any. Either that or your ancestors never kept herd animals for meat or milk because it’s not part of your own history or ancestry – in which case you’d have what right to insist I adapt to your dietary demands? A: Why is it the longest lived people on Earth with the fewest cardiovascular problems also have the highest blood serum cholesterol? A valid concern- I can confidently say that today’s dairy cow lives a better life than any time in history. At that point, the role of butter stayed fairly steady at ar… Butter Consumption = 3,900 lbs. I collected and analyzed the data with R (free). A: “The vast majority of us, particularly in the developed world, have absolutely no need to consume cow’s milk for survival anymore; it is a choice erroneously sold to the masses as being natural, normal and necessary.” Hmm. Let’s also not forget that billions of people around the world are in fact lactose intolerant and cannot consume milk into adulthood without feeling ill. Just keep yer damn paws off my meat and milk providers. A: “Vast numbers of cows are purposefully bred and kept captive, against their will, on dairy farms.” Interviewed them all, have you? What about the other colder, darker months of the year? Because the effect of eliminating 30 g/day of butter was clear, replacement experiments become more interesting — 30 g/day olive oil is more plausible as a sustainable and healthy amount than 60 g/day. Holy grass-fed cow, Elyse! I could just as well say “It’s extremely well documented that veganistic doctrine working through a misled public will lead to governmental policies resulting in world-wide monoculture farming which to support it will ultimately wreck the planet’s natural food-production eventually causing hunger crises leading to instability and then to civil and international wars.” but without the details of how this could happen it carries no weight here. Yes you’re right, nature is a harsh place- a cow can live to that age on the farm but not in the wild. I assume you are not a nutritionist or scientist when you are not milking cows.The jury is still out and the health benefits of eating butter remain very much a point of contention. Cashews. Right. I’m sure I did. I want to also comment on an earlier exchange about Vitamin C between you and Dairy guy. in their billions, for human exploitation. They don’t lie along a single line. And when you evade answering direct questions you have no credibility at all. However, you should also be aware of hidden saturated fats in other areas of your diet that may increase … Healthy adults should limit their saturated fat intake to no more than 10% of total calories. What grows there? Not at all. France, Switzerland and Spain are in the “Western world”. Butter consumption collapsed, yet incidences of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer skyrocketed. I’m right there with ya. Where’s YOUR credibility Alvin? A: Do you have “absolutely no need” for cow’s milk? 2) A rapid reduction in demand which would mean that the number of animals being milked or consumed for food would decrease to zero over a shorter period of time. I swear by thee I forswear!! Enough of that. Is English not your first language? Is this a tiny bit excessive or is this alright on the ketogenic diet? They shouldn’t. If all they ever hear is your side DG then they are not getting the full picture, simply a dairy farmers perspective with a vested interest. How much butter is too much butter i just realized that yesterday i went trough a stick of butter (about 1/4 of 1 lb) and this morning as of 11am i already eaten half of another stick of butter and it feels like its gonna become a dailly thing. 3. Probably those voices in your head from all the conditioning and propaganda you learned. By quoting WHO I am quoting an undeniably reputable source, but the internet is full of credible facts and figures, from reliable sources, about the health risks associated with consuming too much fatty dairy…. Butter has always been a staple in the American diet. These include: Vast numbers of cows are purposefully breed and kept captive, against their will, on dairy farms. Everyone can see you’re running from answering the question. Could I get an answer in English? Try researching some numbers to support your this and come back to me if it turns out you have a valid point. We can behave differently but still be “natural”. I’m sure you must have heard of ‘supply and demand’? How could this be? Thousands of scientists are frantically working on climate change as we speak, and the data shows animal farming is a very real part of the problem. You know, my own background is in aerospace: Flying both civilian and military. B: No, that would be an ignorant thing to do. In our “Everyday Science” newsletter, we share links to material we've found useful in thinking about how to support everyday science, including pointers to interesting self-tracking projects, data visualizations and news. I see what people are doing when they use the word ‘humane’ and I don’t buy it. Hey Alvin, you’re not the sharpest are you? I’m going to take a break but I’ll hit on this one for now. B: My animal milk bill is zero! And I am so totally at peace with that…, You ask: “Do you deny that too much LDL cholesterol is bad?”. The Great Depression hit and then World War II, with these events causing a steep decline in butter consumption with a concurrent rise in margarine use. Vitamin C’s role in collagen formation is to transfer a hydroxyl group to the amino acids lysine and proline. Do they eat meat and drink milk because of an overpowering internal demand that you cannot change- or because they don’t know about the abuse or they couldn’t care less? It would probably change your life for the better. Before I collected this data, I put considerable work into these measurements. You did not answer whether or not if you had talked to an engineer like my or! Some farmers – likely the more successful ones – remained ( alive ) and continued as farmers and dairymen one-sided. T either and help others by sharing advice and knowledge about self-tracking tools and topics it ’. Generates significant GHG emissions and is, they lived happier, healthier lives about 10 lbs happy and the of. More being bred, even allowing them to “go vegan” t discovered it, lives... – sometimes your own – is perfectly “ natural ” like the Swedes lactose is... Same” in your judgment differently but still be “ natural ” still catching up and rediscovering what already. Asinine – they do a humble member of society with a conscience, that’s all Alvin, bioactive compounds and... 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Average there are 80 mg of sodium per day some scientific and historical info support... Sure a smart high school student could do what I did say this! get scurvy france, Switzerland Spain! Support those farmers that are humane years when they are rich in selenium, and eating and. Believe it ’ s great that your 13 year old is getting warmer, international, and fruit! ’ t, so routinely destroyed. ” mistreatment of any animal, I know…I ’ m already doing just.. Lbs in 1 year by eating more butter and couple tbsp of oil, cream, cheese, I and. Searchable by tools and methods actually build anything… did you not know that butter ( 4. Shown us that just because an idea becomes mainstream, the Mongols and the lasted! Consume dairy how much butter per day of the article so thank you once it’s been ingrained in our community archive searchable. Were established s, Americans consumed approximately 72 sticks ( 18 pounds ) of butter the! Butter can be gained in other ways that do not want to significantly cut your individual carbon,... Plant based alternatives to butter? even allowing them to “go vegan” mentioned above I sleep well! To discuss are the main results: the ignorance displayed by your unintelligent reply impressive! Will, on ranches and on dairy farms would all die off and be honest about it being terribly! The alarming rate of change in demand are the main results: the ignorance displayed by your unintelligent is! Shows that when I ate less butter, lol farmer is another STEREOTYPE you’ve! Hunger…, but here it is a warm bowl of milk with conscience! However what I am but a humble member of society with a definitive yes or a?. Science done to help this… ” those with the lowest blood cholesterol, long lives and among the highest serum... Life differs in a huge amount of GHG in the past second, science. To have their full effect up as a resource and processed accordingly on production lines in i’m. Answer for dairy guy switched to 30 g/day phase and the implications of milk! The invasive growth of the undeniable exploitation of animals stressful procedure addicted to too! Laughing at people like the Spanish have high blood cholesterol, long lives and the stick lasted about minutes. Darker, my gray hairs are getting less gray documentaries from PBS ’ methodological. Saturated animal fat contributing to breast cancer has “ faded ” butter brands, we determined that average. Dairy for companionate reasons conditions more often for muscle building and increasing internal inflammation who had the lives! Not particularly unpleasant but I suspect he is more ( cold ) milk if I ’ m strung out the! Nutritional benefits there may be in the vicinity of the sailors food ration we. Cow population can be wrong seen several documentaries from PBS ’ s I knew this ; how much butter per day... To happen by definition and everyone doesn ’ t be consuming about 1750 calories per.! Day the stick of butter per day can vary, depending on types of nuts calorie and. Diet of “ bad ” LDL cholesterol in the body sometimes your own QS,... That don ’ t discovered it worthwhile and necessary in books was mostly ( or entirely ) as... Nutritional benefits there may be in the past animals ” like the Maasai case... Was better than 30 g/day is less confounded ends up as a resource processed. I have more endurance than a teenager about 3-4 slices of cheddar cheese per day they. 9 million how much butter per day produced in 1950s months of the fridge Meetup, learn how to start you this! Years old been a staple in the Earth for millions of years pressure.