Another popular security plugin in the WordPress ecosystem is Sucuri. Scans for heuristics of backdoors, trojans, suspicious code and other security issues. Improvement: Added bulk actions and filters to WAF allowlist table. Fix: Change false positive user-reports link to use https. Block common WordPress security threats like fake Googlebots, malicious scans from hackers and botnets. Improvement: Added additional controls to the Wordfence Central connection page to better reflect the current connection state. Wordfence includes Two-Factor authentication, the most secure way to stop brute force attackers in their tracks. Improvement: Improved messaging for when a page has been open for more than a day and the security token expires. Fix: Prevent warnings when $_SERVER is empty. Fix: Added third param to http_build_query for hosts with arg_separator.output set. Fix: Fixed bug with Windows users unable to save Firewall config. Improvement: Added a constant that may be overridden to customize the expiration time of login verification email links. There are also other options to block cookies as well as not saving anything while browsing. Block entire malicious networks. Tap Storage. This scan feature can help you detect if the wrong option has been selected for "How does Wordfence get IPs". Fix: Added locking to the automatic update process to ensure non-standard crons dont break Wordfence. Improvement: Added detection and a workaround for hosts with a non-functional MySQLi interface. Going forward, Wordfence will be 100% focused on security and in particular providing the best firewall and malware scanner available for WordPress. Improvement: Allowlisted Uptime Robots IP range. I'm not sure it is working properly or not. Your cache might need to be "flushed" (or cleared) if you recently: made changes to your site but you do not see those changes on the Internet Wordfence Response customers get 24/7/365 support from our incident response team, with a 1 hour response time, and a maximum of 24 hours to resolve a security issue. I'll quickly run through it - but don't do this until you've read the full article. It's often not the ideal option. Improvement: Added a Show more link to the IP block list and login attempts list. 1. Fix: Removed the disallow file mods for admins created outside of WordPress. Improvement: The check for passwords leaked in breaches now allows a login if the user has previously logged in from the same IP successfully and displays an admin notice suggesting changing the password. Improvement: Added pagination support to the scan issues. Fix: Added a check for sites with inaccurate disk space function results to avoid showing an issue. Fix: Update locking now works on multisites that have removed the original site. Powerful templates make configuring Wordfence a breeze. Fix: Fixed bug with unlocking a locked out IP without correctly resetting its failure counters. Improvement: Added a path for people blocked by the IP blocklist (Premium Feature) to report false positives. Fix: Fixed a typo in a constant on the diagnostics page. Wordfence verifies your website source code integrity against the official WordPress repository and shows you the changes. Fix: Removed new scan issues when WordPress update occurs mid-scan. Fix: Fixed an IPv6 detection issue with one form of IPv6 address. Fix: Fixed an issue where the block counts and total IPs blocked values on the dashboard might not agree. . Clear cache quickly via Ctrl+Shift+Del (Windows) or Command+Shift+Delete (Mac). Wordfence Security is a highly optimized WordPress plugin for bloggers who want to improve their . Fix: Included country flags for Kosovo and Curaao. Improvement: Added several new error displays for scan failures to help diagnose and fix issues. Change: Changed styling on the unknown country display in live traffic to match the common coloring. Improvement: Reduced net memory usage during forked scan stages by up to 50%. Improvement: Added support to the WAF for validating URLs for future use in rules. Improvement: Provided additional no-caching indicators for caches that erroneously save pages with HTTP error status codes. Fix: Fixed a compatibility issue with determining the sites home_url when WPML is installed. Improvement: Switching tabs in the various pages now updates the page title as well. There are three ways you can delete or reset Wordfence. Improvement: Live traffic and scanning activity now display a paused notice when real-time updates are suspended while in the background. Fix: Addressed an issue where the scan did not alert about a new WordPress version. Fix: Fixed fatal error in the event wflogs is not writable. Improvement: Added our own prefixed version of jQuery.DataTables to avoid conflicts with other plugins. Fix: Fixed fatal error when using a allowlisted IPv6 range and connecting with an IPv6 address. Integrated malware scanner blocks requests that include malicious code or content. Improvement: Updated bundled GeoIP database. So guess I am switching just because their stuff is broken and hard to get to. Fix: Restricted caching of responses from the Wordfence Security Network. Improvement: Improved tagging of the login endpoint for brute force protection. Fix: Login Attempts dashboard widget Show more link is not visible when long usernames and IPs cause wrapping. Wordfence takes this approach. Prevents spoofing and works with most sites. Wordfence fully supports WordPress Multi-Site which means you can security scan every blog in your Multi-Site installation with one click. Fix: Fixed the initial status code recorded for lockouts and blocks. Great software! Improvement: Added a Wordfence Application Firewall code block for the lsapi variant of LiteSpeed. Click the Live Traffic menu option to watch your site activity in real-time. Fix: Added group writable permissions to Firewalls configuration files. Overview. WordFence) * Clear your browser's cache. Fix: Fixed the .htaccess directives used to hide files found by the scanner. Wordfence Security provides a WordPress Firewall developed specifically for WordPress and blocks attackers looking for vulnerabilities on your site. Fix: Fix reference to non-existent function when registering menus. Change: Removed duplicate browser label in Live Traffic. [Premium] Real-time IP Blocklist blocks all requests from the most malicious IPs, protecting your site while reducing load. Thanks Kacper Szurek. Improvement: New blocking page design to better inform blocked visitors on how to resolve the block. Bye! Fix: Tour popups on options page now scroll into view correctly. Change: Live Traffic records are no longer created for hits initiated by WP-CLI (e.g., manually running cron). Fix: Addressed a warning that could occur on PHP 7.1 when reading php.ini size values. Fix: Synchronized the scan option names between the main options page and smaller scan options page. Change: Moved the skipped files scan check to the Server State category. Improvement: Increased logging in debug mode for plugin updates to help resolve issues. Fix: Fixed an activation error on multisite installations on very old WordPress versions. Learn more about the Cloud WAF bypass problem here. Fix: Addressed an issue with multisite installations where they would execute the upgrade handler for each subsite. 2. Fix: Fixed an error with Live Traffic human/bot detection when plugins change the load order. WordPress is the most popular website platform, which means that, sadly, it is also the most hacked platform. Fix: Suppressed errors if a file is removed between the start of a scan and later scan stages. Now that Wordfence is network activated it will appear on your Network Admin menu. Fix: Removed unnecessary single quote in copy containing IPs. Improvement: Better page load performance for multisite installations with thousands of tables. Improvement: Prepared code for upcoming scan improvement which will greatly increase scan performance by optimizing malware signatures. Improvement: Clarify error message Error reading config data, configuration file could be corrupted.. You can customize what and how . Improvement: Added better crawler detection. Quickly clear your cache with this extension without any confirmation dialogs, pop-ups or other annoyances. The following people have contributed to this plugin. Step 1: Login to your /wp-admin and hover over the LiteSpeed Cache option in the menu on the right. Fix: Suppressed warning gzinflate() error in scan logs. Improvement: Now performing scanning for PHP code in all uploaded files in real-time. Improvement: Improved the ordering of rules in the malware scan so more specific rules are checked first. Fix: Fixed bug where Firewall rules could be missing on some sites running IIS. Improvement: When the license status changes, it now triggers a fresh pull of the WAF rules. Improvement: Added the block duration to alerts generated when an IP is blocked. Improvement: Better documentation on Country Blocking regarding Google AdWords. If you need help with a security issue, check out Wordfence Care, which offers hands-on support from our team, including dealing with a hacked site. We are the only plugin to offer this very important security enhancement. Improvement: A text version of scan results is now included in the activity log email. Improvement: Added option to trim Live Traffic records after a specific number of days. Fix: Fixed scans failing in subdirectory sites when updating malware signatures. Fix: Fixed the quick navigation letters in the country picker not scrolling. Improvement: Reworked the reCAPTCHA implementation to trigger the token check on login/registration form submission to avoid the token expiring. Fix: Better text wrapping in the top failed logins widget. Improvement: Added option to disable ajaxwatcher (for allowlisting only for Admins) on the front end. Improvement: Added CSS/JS filename versioning to address caching plugins not refreshing for plugin updates. 2. Premium users can also block countries and schedule scans for specific times and a higher frequency. Fix: Added compensation for really long file lists in the Exclude files from scan setting. A password manager is a software service that helps you store and manage your passwords and helps you save time and frustration. Install Wordfence via the plugin directory or by uploading the ZIP file. Fix: Fixed the functionality of the button to send 2FA grace period notifications. Enter wftest [at] wordfence [dot] com as the email and peterpine as the forum username please. Improvement: Added a time limit to the live activity status so only current messages are shown. Use to love it. Improvement: Improved the performance of our config table status check. Fix: Syncing requests from Wordfence Central no longer appear in Live Traffic. Remove high CPU plugins. Improvement: Added the necessary directives to exclude backwards compatibility code from creating warnings with phpcs for future compatibility with WP Tide. Improvement: Updated the bundled GeoIP database. Report WordPress security threats to network owner. We have the Enable Live Traffic View function. Improvement: Better error reporting for scan failures due to connectivity issues. Fix: Adjusted sizing on the country blocking options to prevent placeholder text from being cut off at some screen sizes. Fix: Suppressed warning from reverse lookup on IPv6 addresses without valid DNS records.
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