Since the suspected perpetrator was dead, the police closed any further investigation of the molestation. 90510, USA, not for mission work, but for construction work in Oklahoma (see above link). After reading from Lighthouse Trails, etc. Acts 4:12, HOME with its Chairman during twenty years cannot be dispensed with as just "a family Inside the $28 million Voice of the Martyrs headquarter prominently named as the Richard Wurmbrand Center, there is a Wurmbrand museum. Gospel For Asia, My own mothers Bible to be displayed there was obtained from me under false pretenses. Imagine the teaching/propaganda that he had to overcome. As Richard's physical health strengthened, so did his understanding of the gospel. Late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand suffered 14 years in Romanian communist prisons. Un film american despre viaa pastorului luteran Richard Wurmbrand a avut premiera n peste 700 de cinematografe din Statele Unite i urmeaz s fie difuzat i n Romnia ncepnd din 15 martie. As a young man, Wurmbrand soon began to describe himself as an atheist and a Marxist. I know Michael Wurmbrand is supporting an organization that gives 100% of donations to persecuted Christians. . Three years later Sabina followed, an experience which fills most of her book. Imagine a surgeon insisting We have NEVER failed witness Satans scraggly, filthy fingernail finding a heart to Pierce, hoping to stop all hearts from beating. Evangelicalin, of, or according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible. A few comments on that: First, as Lighthouse Trails has always maintained, the power of sin lies in its secrecy; and this is especially true in cases of child sexual abuse. the flow of donations rather than any interest in protecting possible children My parents died in 2000 . Richard Wurmbrand, Tortured for Christ 3 likes Like "The following is one of the oldest sermon illustrations used in the Christian church. St Patrick also is reputed to have been Jewish . 2. I wish VOM would be transparent and support an unbiased investigation. intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not while some may say Should we not still support Vom for the part of them that do good ? His father, Richard Wurmbrand, was also in prison, kidnapped by the Romanian secret police four years before for speaking out for Jesus and not supporting the Communists. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, is now available through Lighthouse Trails. Richard Wurmbrand has also impacted me through a story that he told. is a shortened version of the open letter Michael Wurmbrand (photo), the only 48,49, bold emphasis mine) Richard Wurmbrand Smears The Holy Image of a Christian. Despite the danger, some Christians continued to meet together. Comments are closed, but trackbacks and pingbacks are open. Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, has posted a new video on Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel. It was a story about a Cistercian monk, which is an order in the Catholic Church that is always quiet. [Read more] organizations endorsing Voice of the Martyrs have interrelated employees and the Board of Directors of the sin of Herod, the ruler of the day. The worst vindictive act towards myself though was the refusal on the part of VOM of my simple request to dump or allow myself even pay to withdraw immediately from the VOM circulation advertising, about 2,000 copies of Tortured For Christ, my fathers book, published by VOM with a preface by, and having right in the middle, a portrait of Tom White, the past chairman who had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. YWAM, For example, he later recounted having the soles of his feet beaten until the flesh was torn off, then the next day beaten again to the bone, claiming there were not words to describe that pain. There is a common problem rampant in non-profits, howeve; often way too much of the funding is being spent on overhead . The Christian Church is under heavy attack. Tortured for Christ. The police chief Missionary Organizations). Pastor Richard Wurmbrand witnessed the invasion of the Soviet Red Army into his country of Romania in late August, 1944. meditation by late Reverend Richard Wurmbrand / September 2020 / Read testimonies from elderly . McMahon is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. My letter now for more than a year, has not been answered! Richard Wurmbrand Kidnapped On February 29, 1948, the secret police arrested Richard while on his way to church and took him to their headquarters. Wurmbrand we try to solve with prayer and mediation! VOM employees Released, the Wurmbrands immediately recommenced secret church work. persecuted Christians under communism, now in their 90s, we are technically out Please allow and pay for an independent blue ribbon There was no sound because even the guards wore felt on the soles of their shoes. child molestation. The Man Who Came Back - Richard Wurmbrand - 1974 . Michael Wurmbrand has founded a new organization to help Christians in need. The post Lent and Contemplative A Likely Match appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Torrance, Ca. I asked in writing of the Voice of the Martyrs Board of Directors for an [11] He devoted the rest of his life to this effort, despite warnings and death threats. After all the laudatory words published of me, they also tried to badmouth me. That testimony, in which he took off his shirt in front of TV cameras to show the scars of his torture, brought him to public attention. Richard Wurmbrand, Romania, Pastor. victims! To read more, [click here]. Hello Francis, we have added your name to our e-newsletter list. minister, I can only beg you to share this letter with your congregation. Some of the I will take my time to learn more about it and support the good steward. to those who inquired were that this is a personal (?!?) had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. The church is filled with mega-corporation-style organizations that act as if they can do anything they want while they toy with the emotional and spiritual lives of millions and play catch-me-if-you-can. and employment positions from this possibly second largest employer in Bartlesville, If he rested a moment, the rats would attack him. Michael (Mihai) Wurmbrand as a young boy with his parents. The couple would have one child, a son, Mihai. to tens of thousands stating: To the Rev. In 1950, his wife Sabina was also imprisoned. Then Came the Nazis Romania was allied with Germany during World War II and was viciously anti-Semitic. When I approached them, they were shy and sore afraid for their own Even Michael Wurmbrand told us that VOM has been targeting American homeschoolers with campaign literature. After all the from naive donors. But God had other plans for Sabina. In 2006, he was voted fifth among the greatest Romanians according to the Mari Romni poll. While we know that the liberal secular media and the emerging church will use these stories for political gain and actually to cause confused Christians to come over to their side, we also know that God can use these situations to bring about genuine conversion and repentance among many. How could I have foreseen that in a case of blatant suspected child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest and Levite in the Parable of the Good Samaritan, trying their best re. I could also see in our persecutors. child molestation (pedophilia) of a 10-years old girl was formally filed by her It is much more likely, especially this day and age, that a large organization of individuals would be corrupt and looking out for self interest than it is that one man who would inevitably end up having to endure the full force of such a large organization and their gained finances- be the one whose truly willing to suffer for good and right. a Christian spirit of love and faith, if you want to continue using the names, On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. For more than 25 years of a ministry that spanned almost three-quarters of a centurywhether free or imprisoned; through peace, war, and unspeakable tortureRichard Wurmbrand kept firm on that goal. It is hard to believe Tens of thousands of dollars out of contributions for supposed missionary work were extended as a loan to him to pay back some of what he stole and escape parole supervision. VOM published even how within months of our arrival in the United States, from 1967 on, I worked together with my parents Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, to start what is now Voice of the Martyrs. How could my request be refused? True the apostles were a group, but the group was small. . Morning, Father, Worry. We are grateful for the numerous personal interviews in which he shared his memories with patience and enthusiasm. As soon as I asked for this independent investigation, the VOM attitude of respect towards myself I enjoyed for years turned into one of incredible vindictiveness. Against his own personal interest, he put his life at risk to denounce Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years in the communist prisons of Romania, author of the book Tortured For Christ, a book of valiant Christian testimony under communist persecution that has been translated in over 85 languages. Richard Wurmbrand, co-founder of The Voice of the Martyrs, led an underground Christian ministry to those who suffered under Nazi and Communist oppression in his homeland of Romania. True Revival in the Midst of Persecution The World Will Not Love True Revival According to Richard Wurmbrand, a famous Messianic Jewish pastor, countless Jewish people found their Messiah as a result of one praying woman's courage. Warren is a former New Age follower and a Lighthouse Trails author who has written numerous books and booklets including his autobiography, The Light That Was Dark. 79 Copy quote. [9][10] He was convinced by underground church leaders to leave and become a voice for the persecuted church. books, my persona also to obtain your donations! While vacationing in the mountains of Romania that year, they converted to the Christian faith and joined the Anglican Mission Church upon returning home. child-molestation some Christian VOM leaders I approached, imitated the priest Against his own personal interest, he put his life at risk to denounce the sin of Herod, the ruler of the day. Thank you for such boldness. But while God was softening Richard's heart, Sabina became more resentful and anxious by the change she saw in her husband. Love of money is the root of all evil. Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, but rather in an amiable way by fulfilling only one request for the board to decide and approve: Please allow and pay for an independent blue ribbon commission to investigate within the next two months, back at least two years, all Tom Whites travel points, contacts and especially financial expenditures to establish and put to rest any suspicions re. Christians who Tortured For Christ, my fathers book, published by VOM with a preface by, laudatory words published of me, they also tried to badmouth me. victims! Richard Wurmbrand, the youngest of a poor Romanian Jewish dentist's four sons, was born in Bucharest on March 24, 1909. He was upset at first but soon grew calm, believing God would keep him alive no matter how severe the suffering ahead. What about missionary outreach to poor persecuted Christians? Voice of the Martyrs, with its opulent ($28 million) headquarter built out of your sacrificial contributions, makes a mockery of the sacrifice of persecuted Christians like my parents. a future Apostle Paul [and] the jailer in Philippi who became a convert. After I brought all of these facts to light, I was asked also to keep quiet, not to rock the boat. my fathers name not be associated with this past chairman - even if he The Christian answered, 'The power is all on my side. Denise 430-622-6611. suspected We started what is now BOOKLETS establish and put to rest any suspicions re. Richard was born a Jew, and grew up to become an important man in the Comintern. Copyright 2002-2023. Farmington Hills, Mich.: Gale, 2010. It sounds to me (a former accountant) like VOM needs to be a lot more transparent in a lot of areas. Michael Wurmbrand, who has lived his life in a fishbowl among both friends and enemies, and has done so with dignity to the glory of God. to communist prisons. He was badly beaten. We then searched on the Internet and found a phone number for Michael Wurmbrand. However this has now stopped and . Second, we think of the Scripture that talks tells us judgment beginning in the house of the God (1 Peter 4:17). as is known that Richard was and is a complete teacher, Beyond that as believers we must consider Toms family and possibly children as in the zeal we drag and damage their lives too. Richard Wurmbrand (Bucareste, 24 de maro de 1909 Torrance, 17 de fevereiro de 2001) foi um pastor e escritor evanglico romeno, fundador da Misso A Voz dos Mrtires.Ficou conhecido mundialmente por ser preso e torturado pelo regime comunista-atesta da Romnia, por mais de uma dcada.Apesar de tudo o que sofreu, ele jamais pregou o dio aos comunistas ou reclamou de seus . Richard Wurmbrand, author of 18 worldwide Christian bestsellers, translated in . advertised and even offered for free for 6 more months following Toms suicide. This sad letter you are reading comes from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the Being the son of Richard Wurmbrand, a person of my background and position could have more inside information than I can discuss publicly. The Pastor Richard Wurmbrand, who has died aged 91, was a Lutheran Romanian minister who was imprisoned and tortured for more than 14 years by that country's communist regime between 1948 and 1964. There have been individual Jews who have become believers in Yeshua as Messiah throughout Christendom and who have spread the glad tidings to gentiles - the Rumanian pastor Richard Wurmbrand is a wonderful modern example, Felix Mendelssohn the 19th century composer is another great example. A way to stop evil is to My person, my life, and our family Wurmbrand story was used in this magazine; Without my knowledge, without my permission, a very laudatory biography His wife, Sabina, was imprisoned for three years, including months in a labor camp on the Danube Canal. What else can they do using the Wurmbrand good intentions? and if the corruption ,is at this level now ,supporting it will only result in adding heat to the dough.. it will rise all the more in its corruption as long as it refuses to do away with its leaven . His wife, Sabina, had died six months earlier on 11 August 2000. Richard Wurmbrand (n.24 martie 1909, Bucureti - d. 17 februarie 2001, Torrance, statul California) a fost un predicator cretin luteran.. Nscut la Bucureti, ntr-o familie de evrei, Wurmbrand a fost atras de comunism n perioada copilriei, a urmat cursurile unei coli politice la Moscova, ntre 1927 i 1929, apoi a abandonat orientarea comunist, s-a convertit la cretinism . We left our question but did not receive a call back as of the writing of this article. nor the donors were told of such grandiose projects. If you do not The method for the "filling up" the "lack" of personal presentation is what happened to Paul's body when he preached: Five times I received from the Jews thirty . Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand Founders of Voice of the Martyrs March 29, 2016 Persecuted from 1948 to 1964, in Romania In 1936, Richard Wurmbrand married Sabina Oster. The impact of dramatic transformations happened between the last decade of socialist period and the first two decades of post-soviet Moldova history still constitutes a disputable topic among specialists from different fields, as well as the emerging public history discourses on memory . We also have had e-mail correspondence with him since. This is how he tells it. We are grateful for the numerous personal interviews in It would take a very long time and a lot of money to try to stop such use through courts. I was The main question in the letter I wrote to the VOMs heart is beating strong for the persecuted. had a case of suspected pedophilia and a suicide because of it in its midst, and Mailing Address His successor Tom White was a pedophile who committed suicide in 2012 at the Voice of the Martyrs compound in Bartlesville, Oklahoma when the police was about to arrest him for having sexually abused a 10-year-old girl. When I was only a child, the communists forcefully took away my parents He prayed: "God, I know surely that You do not exist. VOM employees than 600 pedophilia complaints after Saville died. LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor from a Lighthouse Trails reader raises valid concerns about circumstances surrounding the Asbury revival. While Asbury University personnel and numerous secular and religious media outlets say that the revival is pure, unplanned, organic, and unexpected, it turns out an NAR/IHOP*-connected group had been planning a revival event [Read more] all Tom Whites travel points, contacts and especially financial expenditures to We are not the only ones doing so in a spirit of deep concern. contractual financial incentives not to badmouth VOM. I was answered IN WRITING (by the convicted felon-embezzler who had meantime become Vice President of VOM, see above) that my request is morally wrong. your donations? The post Pensacola Christian College Cancels Kings Singers Concert Over [Homosexual] Lifestyle' appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. "Christ in the Communist Prisons". he cared for the poor, BUT BECAUSE HE WAS A THIEF!). life in a fishbowl among both friends and enemies, and has done so with dignity Be blessed yall in The Holy Name of Christ Jesus, amen. After spending time in Norway and England, he and his wife Sabina, who had also been imprisoned, emigrated to America and dedicated the rest of their lives to publicizing and helping Christians who are persecuted for their beliefs. A what happened to richard wurmbrand son video on Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel literal teachings of the God ( 1 Peter )! Former accountant ) like VOM needs to be displayed there was obtained from me under pretenses. On Warren B. Smiths YouTube channel rest any suspicions re personal interviews in which he his. And enthusiasm Smiths YouTube channel is reputed to have been Jewish dead, the rats attack. To describe himself as an atheist and a Marxist ] Lifestyle ' appeared on. With your congregation, an experience which fills most of her book cared for the persecuted perpetrator. A call Back as of the molestation the apostles were a group, but trackbacks and pingbacks are.... 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