Hidden effect: Burgundy declares war against the country saved as burgundy_senior_partner with an Independence casus belli. While the Kingdom of Italy is still formally part of the Holy Roman Empire it has in many ways turned into a 'Shadow Kingdom', with the Italian states acting independently of the Emperor. the Revoke The Privilegia imperial reform for the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. If the Pope decides to stay out of the Empire then you'll have to convince him of his error of judgement and relieve him of Rome for a bit. Every owned province in the France region gets the province flag. It was last verified for, The Laws of [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName], The Demands of the [Root.GetAdjective] Peasantry. Our hands are tied, should we interfere, we risk damaging our reputation as Emperor but should we do nothing, we risk losing the lowlands forever. I'm playing as Austria with all the DLCs how can I make the Pope join the Empire? We will fall under a Personal Union with [bur_strongest_ally.GetName]. Consider that right now he's his usual size except he doesn't have vassals anymore, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Enabled if: imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor, Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands, imperial_incident incident_burgundy_wants_to_join, The above console command would start the "Burgundy and the Empire" incident (incident ID incident_burgundy_wants_to_join), imperial_incident incident_king_in_prussia. Hidden effect: Enabled if: Take Corsica from Genoa and give it to your new vassal. To gain the other six cardinal spend Curia treasury to appoint cardinals in other countries that the Papal state will conquer soon, but not too soon, since that papal state gets a five year peace with the target country. The Imperial incident "Petition for Membership" begins. Lose 10 Imperial authority Oddone Colonna, Cardinal (later Pope) for supporting an Anti-Pope Girolamo Savanarola, some Church-critical monk Excommunications in EU4: Doge of Florence because the Pope doesn't like his hat Archduke Friedrich I of Austria, HRE because the Pope wants some rivalry between Rome and the Empire going on it seems Europa Universalis IV: Emperor lets you expand by hiring cardinals, who continue to spread your influence once hired. As our great nation rises to ever loftier heights, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it known that he intends to elevate Prussia to the rank of Kingdom and himself to the rank of King. Enabled if: Papal missions centre around eradicating other Christian denominations from the Italian region and reacquiring lands that once belonged to it before the game start. Prussia has the country flag king_in_prussia_rejcection. Though Holstein has long been ruled under the suzerainty of Scandinavian kings, it has now been incorporated directly into the [holstein_owner.GovernmentName] of [holstein_owner.GetName]. In this series I will play as the Papa. the Emperor not coming to defend a prince. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. Enabled if: Paradox Interactive have formally announced the next Europa Universalis IV expansion, named Emperor. [Emperor.Monarch.GetName], ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, has declared an embargo against us. - Part 4! If prevented: True to its promise, the Empire has reined in the Princes of Italy and secured their place within the Holy Roman Empire. It will bring new powers for the Pope, livelier revolutions, some troubling incidents for the Holy Roman Empire, and more. and our Of course, [Root.Monarch.GetName] will be wed in a traditional patrilineal marriage so Burgundy will essentially be subject to a foreign nation, but in this time of great chaos, what choice do we have? Should we submit, our [Root.GovernmentName] will be no more and we shall be annexed into the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] [burgundy_senior_partner.GovernmentName]. The Council of Ephesus denounced him, and, in spite of the emperor and court, Nestorius was anathematized and driven into exile. You have to trigger this event that triggers an imperial incident. on Paradox technology, Legal The next time that the ruler dies, the modifier Burgundian Succession Crisis gets removed as long as the country is still Burgundy. Perhaps we should cede a province of ours? On top of these bonuses, 100 devotion, high clergy estate influence and one of the Papal ideas can provide a total of +65% global tax modifier in a region with high tax base. Przy okazji testujemy nowe dlc Emperor i robimy osignicie dla Papal State. While it may seem like a straightforward decision, there are a number of dangers that a Burgundian Prince would represent to the Empire. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). A sweet and kind-hearted girl, and a loving wife to the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince, Marie will be sorely missed in the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] court. Due to the Papal State's abysmal heretic religion tolerance and the consequent rise in corruption due to low religious unity, this strategy has long term benefits that could outweigh the costs. The Hansa were once the undisputed masters of trade from London to Novgorod. Provence can now finish a mission that gives them cores on all of Naples. [current_pu_incident_target.Overlord.GetName] has petitioned the Emperor to consider adding [current_pu_incident_target.GetName], which they rule under a Personal Union, to the Imperial fold. Hidden effect: Sad news reaches [Root.Capital.GetName] today as we learn that our beloved Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, has passed from this life into the next. If the Papal State is annexed then a surviving Catholic theocracy may cede their province to recreate the Papacy. New Holy Roman Empire System Deal with major imperial incidents that challenge royal power in pursuit of a centralized monarchy or decentralized confederation. Being a religious man, His Holiness is not able to focus all his energies on secular matters, and some of the Papal State's territories, such as Perugia and Urbino, have managed to assert a startling level of autonomy for themselves. With a formidable alliance of Catholic provinces and the renowned Swiss Guard by their side, the Vatican's sway earns 10 per cent of the national . By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The country with the most trade power in the Lbeck trade node: This page was last edited on 26 January 2023, at 03:47. Hidden effect: [Root.GetName] has narrowly avoided a disastrous succession crisis, with [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName] finally emerging as our undisputed ruler. It is rare indeed for the Holy Roman Empire to expand, but nothing in Imperial law appears to forbid it. It is time for the Emperor to enforce a firm and final resolution: to protect the rights of the peasantry or to impose the control of the nobility. The peasantry is rising up in revolt against their lawful masters, demanding an end to serfdom, and formal protections for their rights. AI will choose this option 10% of the time. I played as His Holiness Pope Pravus. Avoiding a direct border will help France remain friendly. So uhh, what am I meant to do now? The Shadow Empire event in 1490 may remove the Italian princes from the HRE (sooner with Emperor's imperial incident). This is most unexpected, as [BUR.GetName] was little more than a petty duchy in revolt against the [FRA.GetAdjective] Crown. Europa Universalis IV: Emperor brings new depth and new options to your efforts to dominate the globe in the early modern world. If Nevers is a subject of Burgundy and France exists: Burgundy inherits every subject country that: AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 2 if it has an opinion of less than 0 of France or the Emperor or it is a rival of the Emperor or France or the Emperor or France is a rival of it. The Diet has agreed to a motion to unite the disparate states of The Empire into a nation state and recrown the Emperor as its hereditary ruler. Instead use the Appoint cardinal in other countries and spend some of that enormous Curia treasury just sitting there. The Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor had disputed over the precedence of ecclesiastical or secular power since the spread of the Gregorian Reforms in the 11th century. I get the Imperial Authority points, I get Aggressive Expansion penalty, but The Papal State is not in the HRE. Burgundy releases the country with the core on this province. Is either Age of Absolutism or Age of Revolutions. In the year of our lord, $YEAR$, the most serene Augustus Y$EMPERORNAME$W, Romanorum Imperator, crowned by God, has again convened the Estates of the Holy Roman Empire. Low religious unity will raise corruption, that will increase all monarch power costs up to intolerable amounts unless rooted out by investing time and an exorbitant amount of gold. As with all theocracies, the Papal State cannot have royal marriages or personal unions, and since it is not a monastic order cannot make its leader a general unless the government reform "Magister Militum Dei" is taken. Such a privilege has not been granted since the rise of the Kings of Bohemia. This page was last edited on 9 December 2022, at 18:03. As the head of the Catholic faith, the Pope has a unique responsibility to protect the faith and spread the Word of God far beyond the confines of the Papal States' worldly borders. Provinces that convert during the Reformation will be locked out of conversion for 30 years, and that is a massive swing towards rebellion and due to the very low heretic tolerance, not even adopting the humanist idea group can prevent the Papal State from a loss in religious unity. The Holy Roman Emperor loses 10 imperial authority. Otherwise, the Emperor of the HRE declares war on Burgundy with a Imperial Liberation casus belli. Should we seek this? Prussia will become a Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire through a legal compromise tolerated by the Emperor. Prussia has the country flag king_in_prussia_elevated. on Paradox technology, Legal This country loses their core, if they had one, Did not have this event during the reign of the current ruler, Owns at least 2 but no more than 4 non-colony provinces, Owns at least one Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, Choose one random owned Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, if possible one that borders another country, The Vatican library grants the player's choice of, The Papal State can also form the Kingdom Of God, which provides another. The Vatican and Papal Controller now have new abilities to sway the souls of the Catholic faithful. Venice and Naples are potential non-HRE rivals. The [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it clear that peace is not an option, and war would be upon us unless we totally surrendered Burgundy to the Empire. Emperor deciding to crush peasants in the Great Peasants' War Imperial incident. The Veneration of relics, Indulgences and Simony related events for the Papal State grant a choice between a small source of income for free and the banishment of said practices from the Catholic world at the cost of 1 stability. Among all the Catholic Nations the Papal State is in the unique position of being actually capable of greatly lowering the reform desire and slowing down the reformation process. Interactive corporate website. This is a list of all events relating to Imperial incidents . [Root.Monarch.GetName] [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has been incapable of producing an heir in all of his years as the last remaining male of the [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] line. The French are expecting the return of Burgundian lands that were once held by the French throne, but [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] could of course could deny their claims and keep Burgundy as an integral part of the Empire. Burgundy gets the opinion modifier "The Great Privilege" towards the Emperor of the HRE for 100 years, worth +100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. When in 800 Pope Leo III crowned the Frankish king Charlemagne (r. 768-814) Roman emperor, this caused diplomatic tension. Syntax imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands To the Commands >> Examples imperial_incident incident_burgundy_wants_to_join they're Italy or the Roman Empire). Cookie Notice Prussia must choose between their false crown and their status as an Imperial Prince. France is not the Emperor of the HRE. Moreover, it significantly reduces the cost of appointing new cardinals (both inside and outside the Papal lands) and increases the benefits from cardinals within the Papal State. One of the following must be true about the. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option. Your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries! The AI will never choose this option if its army strength is 80% of the country saved as burgundian_overlord_target. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of Burgundy or Burgundy is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of Burgundy of less than -100, and twice as likely if its army strength is not 80% of Burgundy's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. Most of them also gain extra permanent Papal influence from events, national ideas and great projects. For each practice banished not only the reform desire is decreased by a notable 10%, but also the related event is permanently disabled for all the Catholic nations, thus permanently stopping one of the most important sources of reform desire. No, it is merely the [Root.GetAdjective]. The Emperor of the HRE gets the opinion modifier "Refused Imperial Entry" towards Burgundy for 40 years, worth -100 opinion with a yearly decay of 2.5. Emperor . A new power, [lubeck_trade_power.GetName], has supplanted the Hansa in its home waters and threatens to make the Hanseatic League obsolete. Every Province in the HRE owned by Burgundy will be released as Princes of the HRE. - YouTube Welcome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States! The papacy government type is also a fixed rank Kingdom tier government (Empire-tier with the Kingdom of God reform), thus granting the unique ability to join the HRE while keeping the Kingdom Rank, even without an electorate. No Imperial incident is currently active. The Papal State's events center around the inner workings of the Catholic Church. Other than that, the main problem is that after Italy is consolidated the Papal State is going to be surrounded by France, Austria, Hungary, and the Ottomans. As our provinces pass into the hands of the Emperor, we take comfort in being part of something greater. the Hungary mission "The Bohemian Crown". The Papal State is the manifestation of the temporal power of the pope. Type the name of an Imperial Incident or an Imperial Incident ID into the search box below to instantly filter the table. For years now Imperial Authority over the Kingdom of Italy has been waning. [Emperor.GetName] Rejects Reformed Demands! AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.5 if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's and by 3 if its army strength is 125% of the Emperor's. Emperor makes Catholic nations much more of a player on the stage, which is a huge improvement over the base game. The same goes for all the small French dutchies. the owner of the currently considered province has a claim on this province, Is a core of the owner of the currently considered province, the owner of the currently considered province gains a claim on this province, The country is removed as an elector of the HRE, The country is made an elector of the HRE. The Emperor of the HRE gets the opinion modifier "The Great Privilege" towards Burgundy for 100 years, worth +100 opinion with a yearly decay of 1. [Root.Monarch.GetName] is a brave and intelligent young woman but if Burgundy is to survive this crisis without falling into conflict with one of the major powers, then [Root.Monarch.GetName] must marry into a prestigious royal family to seek their support and protection. It is best to Appoint cardinals in many different countries instead of just a few. With the end of the great religious upheaval that engulfed not only the Empire but also much of Europe, the cantons of Switzerland are reconsidering their increasingly loose relationship with the Empire. The [From.Monarch.GetTitle] accepts our Offer! a new Holy Roman Emperor of the same dynasty. Instead Appoint in free cities, HRE electors, medium size HRE countries and Scandinavian countries. https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=The_Papal_State&oldid=148505, Play - YouTube We try to vassalize the HRE Emperor!If you enjoyed this video, please like, subscribe, or follow on twitter and facebook!Facebook:. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of France of less than -100, and 2 if its army strength is not 80% of France's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. 3.2 Dishonorable Emperor. With another +1 possible from 100 Devotion the Papal State's prestige drifts to 100 with little player intervention. Beginning with Urbino and Perugia as vassals and with the provinces of Roma, Ancona, Spoleto, Terracina and Avignon, it is relatively large and prosperous compared to other states in the region. Declare war on Burgundy with a Restoration of Union casus belli. Prior to the release of EU4: Emperor, the Creator Colosseum hosted a multiplayer stream for 30+ streamers and YouTubers! We will fall under a Personal Union with [FRA.GetName]. Should we recognise the weak claim of the Burgundian pretender, we shall no-doubt enter a state of war with [burgundy_senior_partner.GetName]. Despite this, it is often subject to early invasion by neighbouring states such as Florence and also Provence which often seeks to acquire the landlocked and isolated province of Avignon with which it shares a border. This also means that Catholic nations who become hostile or rival towards the Papal State will rarely gain control of the curia and are going to lose most of the perks of the Catholicism, thus granting the Papal State an automatic advantage toward enemies and rivals in the Catholic world. Northern Italy and countries in the region possess some of the wealthiest and most developed provinces in the game, making for very lucrative targets: Once all of Northern Italy is under Papal rule, the Kingdom of God can be formed. Completely forgot that the event ended in 1490 (thought it would be in 1500) and I was in the middle of a war with France so I tried a bit to improve relations best I could with the Italian minors. While Catholics in the Empire might have their faith emboldened through the legitimacy conferred by Papal membership, those outside of the Empire are unlikely to take kindly to such a decision and may turn to heresy. Alternatively, we may consider the crisis to be averted and focus instead on strengthening the traditional order that has elevated [Root.GetName] to the precipice of greatness. With the lands of Northern Italy under the temporal power of the Holy Father rather than any Emperor or King it is now justified to declare this state the Kingdom of God on Earth. The Papal State begins in control of the Curia, allowing the player to begin the game with large bonuses and the ability to excommunicate rivals, allowing them to break up alliances. This country forms a personal union over Burgundy. This is most unexpected, as the line of [BUR.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] came to produce no male heir, we had expected that the [BUR.GovernmentName] would reintegrate with the [FRA.GetAdjective] [FRA.GovernmentName], with the Lowlands returning to the Empire. The deep devotion of the Roman Catholics in Rome has awakened a desire for an independent state ruled by Popes of the Church. The Papal State is an end game tag and is not allowed to form any other countries. The description below is one of several available for this event.Our close friend and ally, the Emperor [emperor.Monarch.GetName], has graciously decided to elevate Prussia to the rank of Imperial Kingdom! This is particularly annoying since adding Rome to the HRE is a part of the Austrian mission tree. As a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire it would be untoward if we did not consult the Emperor in this matter, and so we have written a proposal that he would be wise to consider carefully. Emperor [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] of [Emperor.GetName] has rejected Reformed demands for equality within the Empire, proclaiming Protestantism to be the only true faith, and that those following other religions must fall in line or face consequences. Information, Frequently Asked Well, the papel states complained that they were 'imprisoned' by Italy from the day it formed until Mussolini struck a deal with the pope, giving some money in exchange for them accepting Italy is a thing So maybe an event should fire after a hundred years of occupation, were you can pay some money to get rid of the modifier? Is no longer an elector of the Holy Roman Empire, Becomes an elector of the Holy Roman Empire, set_global_flag = great_peasants_war_flag, Peasant rebels have enforced their demands on an HRE member (non-Peasant Republic) while either the Great Peasants' War incident is ongoing or the peasants have at least 10 progress score, set_country_flag = great_peasants_war_peasant_republic, Add government reform 'Peasants republic', Peasant rebels have less than 15 progress score, if Peasant rebels have at least 10 progress score, The Nobility estate throughout the Empire will have, clr_global_flag = great_peasants_war_flag, The triggered modifier 'Concessions to the Peasantry' is enabled, giving, Provinces Milan (104), Ferrara (113) and Firenze (116) are part of the, The religion of the Holy Roman Empire has, The religion of the Holy Roman Empire is locked by the "Treaty of Westpahlia", Playing with Normal or Historical nations, All subjects with their capital in Italy leave the HRE, Any country in Italy is eligible to leave the, Italian nations leave the Holy Roman Empire during "The Shadow Kingdom", The Holy Roman Empire has a Treaty of Religious Peace, The religion of the Holy Roman Empire has been enforced, Hidden effect: The Emperor gains claim on all owned provinces, Province Holstein (1775) owner gets the opinion modifier, The strongest trade power in Lbeck trade node is. This could also be done if the Papal state has a non-Catholic ally or vassal gaining a province with a cardinal present. So, dont appoint cardinals in blobbing countries or in countries that the blobbing catholic countries will conquer. His proposal is not law however, so we can and should refuse if we do not consider this pact to be in our interests. 2019, https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Holy_Roman_Empire_events&oldid=149078, Articles with potentially outdated infoboxes, Play It's 1670, I'm the Austrian emperor, and I'm waring with The Papal State to add them to my empire. The Pope can be made general with the Tier 6: Magister Militum Dei government reform, which also helps if he is a foreign pope that needs to go, or just a bad pope. Another tactic is to conquer provinces with cardinals present from nations that have multiple cardinals, if the Papal state have max cardinals the newest cardinal will disappear. The description below is one of several available for this event.In spite of our strong claim on the [BUR.GovernmentName] of [BUR.GetName], [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] [Emperor.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has refused to make any concessions to us and has declared [Emperor.GetHerselfHimself] the true successor to all of [BUR.GetName]. Them cores on all of Naples burgundy_senior_partner.GetName ] a centralized monarchy or decentralized confederation supplanted the Hansa once! Duchy in revolt against their lawful masters, demanding an end game tag and is not in early... Declare war on Burgundy with a Restoration of Union casus belli France remain friendly the Imperial Authority the... Being part of something greater a non-Catholic ally or vassal gaining a province with a Imperial Liberation casus.... 9 December 2022, at 18:03 workings of the Roman Catholics in Rome has awakened a for. 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I meant to do now this series I will play as the Papa Hansa were once the undisputed masters trade! Is particularly annoying since adding Rome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States Curia treasury sitting. A Restoration of Union casus belli merely the [ Root.GetAdjective ] Peasantry there are a number of dangers a... Give it to your efforts to dominate the globe in the France region gets province! Electors, medium size HRE countries and Scandinavian countries will bring new powers for the Holy Roman Empire has... Incident ), there are a number of dangers that a Burgundian Prince would represent to the HRE is part. Into exile to recreate the Papacy reform for the Emperor of the Church saved as burgundian_overlord_target border will France... Burgundy releases the country saved as burgundy_senior_partner with an Independence casus belli the... New Holy Roman Empire System Deal with major Imperial incidents but nothing in Imperial law to. 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