No Jimin, You cant escape my kisses now you laughed fake-evilly. Thats okay sweets. You can do this y/n. since you didnt even explain it to me as you just ran off he continued but couldnt help but chuckle at the sight of you sprinting from the couch, nearly tripping on your way to the room. Being the curious person you are, you lifted your butt from the chair, leaning half over the wooden table to take a closer look at the black coloured dish. His hands slid against your waist and ended up on your back. Couldnt be better. you threw your head back in laughter, whole upper body shaking when doing so. you have but its every time the same and it gets tiring. An important exam was coming up for you and you have been studying for a couple of days already but despite all the hours youve been learning it just doesnt want to stuck and when you read the same sentece for the fifth time already you had enough. You had stood up from the chair and sat down next to him earlier. Anyways I am rambling on. Wha- What I am doing here? he began but stopped, fingers rubbing his temple in circling motions before he continued, his voice getting higher with every syllable he got out. You dont want perfect, you want real and raw. The black ink on the white paper hurting your eyes as the words began to dance, unable to read anymore, you pushed it away while leaning against the chair as you threw your head back, a scream of frustration slipping past your lips. I wont Yoongi, I am so sorry. You knew it didnt go unnoticed, The only light that shone in your house was by this window, so ofcourse he had seen you, clearly. I just feel really insecure when youre with him. he murmered, his voice so soft you almost didnt understand him. Whats going on? Mafia BTS reacting to you cutting onions. You can say what you want but were made for eachother. I think it does. Lets stay like this. So please if you ever think youre not good enough, please talk to me. He had found the hedgehog in the garden, his tiny feet bleeding as it seemed it got cut open and took him in. And especially I love you like y/n y/l/n/ loves Kim Namjoon. BTS reaction to you wanting to have 10 kids. I was jealous, you were right and I apologize for treating you wrongly. and maybe this will soothe your stress abit :). Your robe was gone, you would never take your robe for a short trip to the toilet. Oh, I was just calling to ask you if you can help me with the essay. This shows that she loves you so much and that she didnt want to worry you and to just suck it up shows it even more. Yoongi told him and gave him a smile. Again he yelped, the others too anbandoning their fruits. It felt like a summer evening. Hellooo annonie! You really expect me to anwer that? You heard familiar soft tunes playing, a language you hadnt heard in so long. You know you can trust me on my words, my friends and I, were still working hard, we work hard everyday to reach our dreams and well Im glad I didnt give up cause look where I am now. Im so sorry Yoongi! you wailed out suddenly, running towards him and landed yourself in his lap. Stop it, geez! Taehyung scolded himself, slapping his cheeks multiple times as if that would help him to set his mind to something else. But then he would laugh at you aswell, seeing you squirming around trying to get out of this grasp. Wooohooo! After what felt like an hour to him he had found you. Your hands shot to his hair, ruffling it some omore while rubbing your nose against him. The phone stopped and you sighed but the screen lighted up again, Jimin was still trying to reach you. He would just sigh as you once again fell over the bathtub. I talked to your brother and asked him if he could arrange this with your grandparents since you miss them so much and well they were so excited that they wanted to talk to you today so his hands squeezed your shoulders reassuring this was real. Babe.. Y/n.. he was speechless, the shock which at first had slowly vanished, came barging in again when those hateful words left your mouth and your heart. You turned around and nodded your head in approvement. Ms Jung already hates me,I wouldnt lose anything. you muttered to yourself, swallowing the lump in your throat and furiously wiping at your eyes not wanting to cry over this stupid work. Gosh sometimes I dont even know how you can be this clumsy. I'm not really known with the measurement inches so I wouldn't really know how tall you are but I assume you're not that tall . The man youve loved for 2 years was standing in the same room as you, brown orbs fixated on you, watching you closely as he approached you. It was like you had closed off your emotions, locked in a safe, hidden away in the dark and at the end of the week he snapped, asking you, no demanding you to spit it out. What if you get tired of it and get with him. And I thought they knew aswell not to stand to close. he smirked, pushing him away with a light push. Crying is okay. Well if you tell us we can maybe try to understand. This time Seokjin spoke up. Lists. I dont deserve you, I really dont. Looking left and right hoping to see a glimps of you but unfortunately you werent there. You can tell me tomorrow for now just rest sweets.. You already could see the dissapointment faces, could hear failure laughing at you. Babe? Im still here. he whispered in your hair after he nestled you in his chest, arms tightening his hold on you as if he was afraid you would vanish soon. Babe? This one though.. it looked so off, it scared him. But I really appreciate all this it shows me even more that the decision coming here was definetely the right one. making him shy. Always sneaking up on you. Right at that time Hoseok deciced to show up however from his point of view, what you were doing looked more like coupley stuff than what actually was going on. Whatever y/n.. Jimin sighed, walking away from you, out of the room. People like you for example. Should you answer it? Dont leave me in that cold place y/n. I was thinking you would be better off with someone who could do all those things I cant. BTS Reacts: You Having A Cute Moan (!!) Hey y/n I really really am proud of you of being here you know. Your smile fell and Hoseok could see your eyes welling up and your lips trembling. Its okay. You were certainly getting pissed because how many times had you told him that getting rid of the anger against furniture or doors was not okay but then he just smirked, a great idea popped in his mind and laughed returning to the game he was playing. The walls however werent going to help you in your plan, the sound of your cries traveled through the walls, to reach their destination: Jungkook. Dont feel bad for feeling this way, emotions are here to let us know when we need to stop or go for it just like our bodies. You had the advantage of being on top of him now so you attacked him with kisses all over his face. You had rolled your eyes telling him you shouldnt berewarded. little breath clouds appearing in front of you with every sob leaving your body as you sat on the steps infront of your door. Showing him a little smile, you gripped onto his arm, slung it over your shoulder and nuzzled closer to his frame. Closing your eyes, you started to breathe in and out but to no avail, black spots appeared when you looked around, the room still spinning, the space feeling much more smaller than you imagined, the heavy air pressing down onto your heart making it difficult to breathe as you wobbled towards the door, desperately wanting to get out of here but before you could reach for the knob, you stumbled backwards, losing your balance and fell the floor when the door suddenly swung open. After what felt like minutes to you, the man broke the eye contact first, intimidated by your boyfriend, you could tell eventhough he faked as if he had something in his eye and left. Without thinking he took it home with him and you know how little ducks can be Yup he began to see Taehyung as his parent and followed him around, waddeling after him, even showering with him. This is a whole new environment and culture you need to get used to So I wanted to get a piece of your country here in our house to make you feel at home more. You both sat down on the couch. With a smile on your face, you sit up in your bed, letting out a yawn. Now I have to punish you!. Gosh, this boy worried you to no end. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) Almost. Once you were standing behind him, you glided your hands over his shoulders, down the papers on the desk to shove it away out of his sight. You should go on date with me only if you want it yourself, I am not puppy Namjoon I dont need to be rewarded. you had told him. Fear which hold his body earlier slipped away but worry had taken over his heart right away. June 6th, 2019. you had turned around, your hand gripping the one holding on to you as you snatched it off you. 4 hours and 48 minutes later you were laying on his bed, staring at the stars on the ceiling you begged him to put on. How did you even communicate? this time you laughed, shaking your head in amusement as you followed his way to the kitchen. Still you could not shake the feeling away, eyes locked on the door. Of course you dont need to worry silly eventhough homesickness sucks youre my home now too Taehyung. I am with you arent I? No y/n youre not getting them back until youre calmed down. he was serious, his voice low and sharp. Please tell me where you are? If you are as clumsy as me, please be more careful haha. You were taken aback, mouth dropping in disbelief. The tight grip you had on his shirt, loosened, heartbeat slowing down, your mind blank and just stared, not focusing on anything but his voice. I have an essay due soon and I didnt even start. you responded, feeling bad. shit. Taehyung: *gif* You knew him well enough not to ask to many questions in this situation. I already have hurt you and that wasnt my intention. Grabbing your wrist, he dragged you to the bedroom, ready to put some action to those words, Oh sweetheart, youre lucky were alone tonight cause I will have you begging.. Youre amazing. you mumbled more to yourself than him, drying his features with your sleeve and pushed his hair buck that stuck on his skin, suddenly noticing the absence of the rain and looked up, ray of sunlights broke through the clouds, forcing them to drive apart and comforted earth as he hold her in his warm embrace. I think its kind of healthy in a relationship at least when you dont provoke it. Oh boy, you began to think you made a slight mistake after you uttered those wordscause before you could blink, Namjoon had you pinned under him, your legs around his waist as he grinded against your clothed core. ! he was getting frustrated you could hear it in his voice, the once calm tone had dissapeared, a more shaky one surfaced. Uhm Jungkook is something wrong? you asked him worried, clasping your hands around his. Kind of. Before you could open your mouth to tell him he should get to the point he told you to just look at his watch and so you followed his advice, eyes falling on the metal on his wrist and it was right there you mouth fell open in shock. Jungkook please whats going on? At first he would look at you like this because how dare you to snap at him while he was trying to make you feel better. Even taking 30 minutes in the bathroom to get ready and now you were just stepping all over his plans. Glancing at the screen, you saw one of your close friends in school was trying to call you. Dont shut me out. Is it fun chilling on the ground? Next time, just make sure you set an alarm on your phone so you cant forget about the time and can text me when you want to study more or just need my company. Taehyung you turned to him Relax.. Because I want to do something but youre too tall. you whined, sending some pressure to his neck. Can you stop feeding MY girlfriend. Jimin sounded irritated. Everyone is teasing me especially Taehyung. He whined. Chuckling you slid your arm around his waist, resting your head against his shoulder and were off to freshen up. Youre lucky my brother like you more than me otherwise he would have made fun of you so bad., But I like you way more than your brother. In short, someone always snatched you or Hoseok away thus not being able to spend quality time together so today was the day hopefully. To bystanders it seemed friendly but the three of you knew it was far from that as Jungkook put a lot of pressure on that poor mans shoulder. His duck. You know I woke up wet this morning, thinking of you., Did you now? Seconds turned into minutes and still none of you had made a move. His mouth was on yours, kissing you fast and hard. Stay healthy okay? Mafia BTS meeting you for the first time on the job. Enjoy reading and thank you for loving my blog! BTS protecting and supporting taehyung | BTS REACTION#bts #reaction # #jungkook #jimin #taehyung #jin #jhope #rm #suga #btsarmy #busan THIS CHANNEL. Scoffing, you wanted to turn around but he quickly tightened his hold on you making it impossible for you to turn. "I still don't like this.". not moving, your face tilted to the ceiling, mind totally blank and it was after a couple of times blinking, you raised your arms and began to stretch, hoping it would get rid of all the tension and stress. Had tried to push it You were someone who enjoyed the little things so even if he just said hello in your native language you would be overjoyed because Jungkook learned it just for you. The earthy scent after rain, smells refreshing right? ;). Just talk things out okay.. They want nothing but the best out there. So now you were standing in the shower hoping the warm water and the steam would cover up your tear strained cheeks because he was about to come home. He could not believe you just walked out of the door when you confessed your insecurities. Who allows you to cry? Hearing a loud sigh and soon footsteps who got louder as he came closer, you sprung up and ran away with your laptop in your hands. youre right. He was totally jealous, he just didnt want to admit it. You were sitting on the ground, pen in your mouth, a paper in one hand and in the other hand a calculator switching your sight between the two. Im sorry but can we reschedule! Oh wait what if youre going on tour. Yeah well it feels like my hearts is about to burst. Taehyung slumped down against the mirror. When Hoseok calmed down and his sobs tunrned into hiccups, you sat back up, smiling down at him. He had taken in your appearance and couldnt help but wince. Looking for something even if its so tiny but would still remind you of home. This is slighty different right? Seriously y/n? Scoffing jokingly, you opened your eyes and greeted the man who you have known your whole life. You want to listen to the song on repeat forever, but you know if you hear his voice one more time, you mightn't survive it. I also want to see the frustrated you, the angry you, the sad you. Its like the universe are telling us that we need to release our worries, so we can feel refreshed again, feel relieved. Seokjin who was walking beside him bursted out in laughter while Hoseok quickly snatched the toy from the ground and brought it back to his owner, apologizing over and over again while scrathing his neck in embarrasment, the mother of the child silently judging him. #bts #bangtan #bangtan boys #bts reactions #bts scenarios #bts imagines #bts smut #kpop reactions #kpop smut # . You dont have to tell me babe. he winked, moving his arm around your shoulder. Its not your friends its just him. he followed you to the bedroom, sitting down on the bed watching you with sad eyes getting yourself ready to go. Im sorry. Yoongi would definitely be worried when you did not response to any of his words. Today, the wind was at ease, carefully testing the waters, gently breathing upon earth. Everytime he would sing to you, you couldnt keep your eyes open and would drift off to dream land. Man.. just if one of them looks to long, I shoot them looks and you know that. You knew he wouldnt like it that you made his shirt dirty but this.. this.. I was just trying to wipe off the ice cream so it wouldnt stain. You dont always have to smile Hoseok. The thought that he didnt want you to hear him crying was so immense hurtful that tears sprung in your own eyes. It hurt him, it made him feel left out and not good enough, he had told you than and the many times after that and now you were doing it again. Your eyes and nose began to sting, tears dangerously close to spilling so you quickly took a deep breath, looked at the ceiling with wide eyes trying to hold of the tears. With hands around your waist, he eyed the man infront of him who had the guts to flirt with you, giving you a free drink while he went to the bathroom to fix his tie. Taehyung had jumped onto you, it was him who decided to pull your body close. No more feeling bad baby! It isnt how bright you shine or how big you are. Even the boys admire that about you. Gosh y/n! His delightful laugh hugged your heart and a laugh escaped your lips aswell. He was totally jealous! You see your friend was heartbroken, his boyfriend had left him for someone else, telling him he wasnt good enough so you wanted to comfort him and had told him he should come over for a relaxed and fun night in. His hands were working on the button of your trousers and yanked them down, tapping your now bare legs for you to step out of it. You know that I love you so much that it even hurts sometimes. He would be pissed. Why is he like this? he stuttered when he came back to his senses, his eyes following every move you made and carefully entered the room. One voice is telling you not to believe them and just to let their comments slip past you but there is the other one who is telling you that they are right, that you shouldnt be with me, that you dont fit in but who cares about an image sweetheart? after making sure you were okay, he joined you on the bathroom floor. His words had lighted up the darker side of your heart, his words filled with loved chased away the beasts as it bit their skin. He is a smooth talker, youve seen it. Its okay. Shit its hyungs isnt it. he winced. So here he was. Tears threatened to roll down however you refused to shed a single tear not wanting to give them the satisfactioncause to you it felt like they wanted to see the students struggle, wanted to see every single one of them panick and afterwards when the major of studentssurprisingly passed the tests and essays after they checked and read it over 10 more times for any mistakes they maybe have missed, the paper will be dumped on your table, muttering awell done before walking away. I love her very very much and I love all of her flaws, all of her insecurities too because thats what makes you, you. His eyesbrows shot up and a chuckle was heard through the dressing room as he drew an arm around your waist, gripping it tightly. dropping all my friends? Snatching his jacket from the coatrack, he ran after you, putting his coat on while running. Can be this clumsy get ready and now you were taken aback, mouth dropping in.... 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